Saturday, May 27, 2006

The X-Men Cometh

There may be minor spoilers in this, or major ones. I'm not sure because I haven't written the review yet. And really, it's less of a review than a rant on the idiocy of idiotic idiots.

So critics and X-Men fans alike have been bashing M-Men III. Does it deserve such harsh criticism?

Fuck no.

How about all of you anal-retentive, fat, donut-sucking, parent's basement living nerds shut the hell up already.

Sure, I think that X2 was better. Sure, I think X3 was too short. However, the criticisms these people are throwing out are absurd. Ratner is getting a lot of flack for his different directing style. Guess what? I really couldn't tell that it had a different director. People say that this movie focuses more on acton tha n character development. Yes, that would be bad if this had been the 1st film in the series, but this is the third film. We've already had 2 films that have set-up the major players. We already know their personalities, motivations, and character traits. We finally get to see the payoff of the X-Men in action, and in a lot of action at that. It's nice and refreshing, like Sprite.

Let's see, what else are these people bitching about? Oh yes, they think there are too many characters added. Really, only a few major characters are added and some of them have only minimal parts. Ratner didn't try to focus on every character which would have been a shitty thing to do.

These people also bitched that too many characters died. Have you mooks ever read the comics? You people bitch and bich that Ratner doesn't follow the comic, yet when people die, like in the comic, YOU STILL BITCH!

You people are complaining that certain characters have powers that they don't have in the comics. Would you rather have had Ratner add 10 more characters? Personally, I don't give a shit if Callisto has a few more powers than she does in the comic. What does it matter?? It doesn't affect the plot, and she's a minor character anyway. Sure, if Ratner had Cyclops shooting acid out of his tits I'd have a problem with it, but not Callisto.

The look of the characters is another rant. Juggernaut doesn't look like he does in the comics eh? I thought it was pretty much established in the first film that these characters have a drastically different look than in the comic. These characters are actually costumed to not look like freakin' idiots. Yeah, Juggernaut running around in a red suit of armor with his whole face concealed isn't going to work on film. Film is a different form of media than comic books so things have to be changed. If the costumes were comic accurate, we'd end up with an X-Men movie that looks like that Marvel Superheroes MasterCard ad that aired a year or two ago. Yeah, that looks real professional.

Ypu people are allowed to have as many complaints as you want, as long as the complaintes make sense. Yes, I have complaits about the film, but they're complaints that are legitimate, like the length of the film. If you haven't seen the film, go see it. If you have seen it already, then thank you for your patronige, and drink Sprite.

Alrighty, on to the DVD reviews for this coming Tuesday:
  • Alf: Season Three - Yeah......I don't think I'll be spending my cash on this.
  • Date Movie - I'd actually take a date to this film if I wanted to give her the impression that I hated her and had horrible taste.
  • The Dukes of Hazard: The Complete Sixth Season - Hell No.
  • Joey: The Complete First Season - I Hate NBC for this reason.
  • The Kids in the Hall: Complete Season 4: Now this is some quality DVD material right here.
  • Riddick Trilogy - Like anyone bought the Chronicles of Riddick when it first came out? Oh yeah, Samantha did. That bitch. Now, we're supposed to want to buy it along with Pitch Black and the animated Riddick movie? Fuct that. I'll stick with Pitch Black and the XBox game that kicks ass.
  • Will & Grace: Series Finale - JUST DIE ALREADY!!! STOP MAKING THESE DVDS!!!
That it for DVDs this week. Pretty shitty I dare say. Honestly the DVD releases kinda blow until June 20th.

If I'm bored on Monday, i'll review a made for TV movie I saw last week, if not, I'll post here a week from now and you'll like it that way.

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