Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So I lied

So there won't be a blog every week about an old movie you should watch again. I never really planned to have one. I tricked you because I'm sneaky like that.

However, if you do want to watch a few old movies again, I can tell you a few that I've watched recently that I can recommend.

TRON - This has always been one of my faves. I got a look at the footage shown at San Diego Comic Con for TRON 2. Oh my sweet fucking christ it's going to kick ass. Now, it may have been test footage that won't actually appear in the film, but it was cool enough to make me watch the first one again.

Starship Troopers - Part 3 that was just released is what made me revisit part 1. Despite a few huge flaws, Starship Troopers is still a fun film.

I'm in the second week of the new job. So far, it's going quite well. It's going to sound odd coming from me, but I'm actually a little bored and hoping to get stuff to do. It's early enough that I haven't gotten the passwords to some of the programs needed for routine tasks. It's also early enough that people haven't laid a lot of problems on me as to not "overwhelm" me. The problems that have been laid on me, like this morning's, have been so goddamn stupid, that I almost feel bad for taking $21 an hour from the library to solve them. When I solved the problem today, I almost felt like asking the person if this was cutting into their storytime or naptime. Today, I spent about 2 hours putting together the new bookcase for my office. Hank, the director, asked if I wanted maintenance to do it, but I was so freakin bored I took up the task. Of course, putting together crappy particle-board furniture means that something will break and the guy putting it together will fill with rage at the farsighted fuck who drilled the holes in some shithole Arkansas factory for $6 an hour. "Hey, for this one, let's drill the hole to within a fly's asshair of the other side of the board, so that the slightest pressure will crack the whole thing like an egg!"

Samantha got her new Social Security card today, so she's is officially Samantha Crow in the eyes of "the man." I could have given a shit less whether she changed her name or not, but now she's happy because people won't constantly mispronounce her name.

I'm thinking that Samantha and I should start looking into buying a house. The pros would be not throwing away $700 a month on rent with nothing to show for it. Also, I'd have more room. The cons are that I'd have to do the maintenance on the house, whereas now, the apartment complex does it for me. Also, I HATE the process of applying for loans and stuff. I'd rather go to the dentist than go through the credit checks, paperwork, and everything else that goes along with those types of things. hey, I should put that as my poll for this week. I want your advice. Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you.

I think we're going to see Tropic Thunder sometime in the next few days. Normally, I don't pay to see a comedy in theaters, but I laughed out loud at a scene in the red-band trailer, and that's pretty rare for me. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

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