Everyone talks about how good it is to go out and do stuff, and meet new people. Even if you never go out, and just sit at home eating chocolate-covered donuts all day, people say how good it is to meet and chat with people online. We're encouraged to seek out and mingle with the communities around us. Even as a toy collector, I'm on a few message boards with other toy collectors.
You know what? Meeting people is really fucking over rated. More and more, I just meet people I can't stand.
2 weeks ago, I posted an opinion on one of those toy forums. It was about politics. Someone just had to post a comment about how Obama was a terrorist and how he'll bring killer Islam into the U.S., and blah, blah, blah. Whoever that guy is, I hate him. People keep talking about how important it is to vote, no matter who you vote for, but I'm not believing that anymore. I'd rather that ignorant motherfucker stay home than have him cast a vote out of intolerance and racism. Fuck him and fuck his opinion.
I posted a comment in another toy forum. Yes, I know I'm a slow learner. I told myself when I posted it that I won't let any other comments anger me, that everyone is entitled to their opinions, right or wrong. A black guy went on to say that blacks are NEVER racist towards whites. Yeah, that's what he said. How can that not anger me? Blacks constantly point out every instance of racism on the part of whites, but now we're to believe that all blacks are "above" that? We're supposed to believe that blacks don't suffer from racism like EVERY other race on Earth? That's odd, since black people are capable of every other horrible inhumanity, like murder, rape, theft, assault, vandalism, kidnapping, etc.
I'm in Gamestop with Samantha the other day. I point at the Left Behind video game saying, "That has to be the worst game ever." Some curious nerd comes around the game case and says, "What's the worst game ever? I have to hear this!" Was I talking to you? Was I asking your opinion? Did I want you to butt into a conversation you weren't ever intended to be a part of? FUCK NO. Seriously, mind your own goddamn business.
For SirsiDynix, the company that hosts our library system, I am setting up a demo for their new system. Sure, we aren't going to buy it because we're moving to another company, but my boss wants a demo for the library anyway, just to be sure. On October 23rd, I talk to a mook named Steve about the date and time. He says, "November 20th will work, I'll email you tomorrow with a time." I got his email 3 days ago in which he said, "Did we ever set up a time?" WHAT THE FUCK? You're trying to sell your product, and you can't even get back to me in a timely fashion? What an insensitive prick.
Three days ago, at a Best Buy, I was asked by FOUR different employees if I needed any help within a 5 minute span of time. I know it's your job to help the customers, but if you see a fellow employee walking away from the customer, chances are he or she already asked. I just want to browse the DVDs in peace. Is that too much to ask?
Speaking of Best Buy, here's a conversation that went down a while ago:
Me: "Do you have *insert DVD title here* around here anywhere? it just came out today."
Best Buy Employee: *Looks around* "Well, we had some earlier right here. We've probably got some more around, but I don't know where they are." *walks off to help another customer*
You piece of shit. I asked you for help, and all you can muster is a simple "I don't know" before walking off? With all the quality people loosing jobs, a lazy sack of crap like that gets a job? Unbelievable.
Walking into the library, I see a small child wander out and walk quite a ways down the street. In the library lobby, some dumb teenage tramp hanging out with her friends turns and says, "Oh, I better go get the kid," before slowly walking towards the door. Now, I'm not a big fan of children, but if you have a responsibility to take care of a child, then you better goddamn well take it seriously. I can guarantee you that had I said something to her about being a bad babysitter, she would have responded by yelling obscenities at me. That reminds me of another horrible parental figure.
A woman is at a public library computer, with her baby behind her seat in a stroller. Her phone rings, so she picks it up and starts talking loudly. Remember, this is a library. While she is talking, her baby starts to cry loudly. The mother does NOTHING but continue talking on her phone. I guess the phone call is more important than your baby. When one of my co-workers tell her to take the phone call outside, she replies by screaming, "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS YOU STUPID BITCH! I'LL TALK ON THE PHONE IF I FUCKING WANT TO!" Wow, what a nice person to deal with. 16 years down the road, when that kid is pregnant and addicted to crack, that mother will wonder what went wrong, all the while placing blame on everyone but herself.
I'm just sick of dealing with new people. Every time I have to make a phone call to, or meet someone new, I dread it, because I know they're just going to end up pissing me off. To all of you out there I don't know yet: Fuck off. I don't need to know you. I've got enough friends. Chances are, if I do meet you, you're going to be an idiot, a racist, a dick, a bitch, an irresponsible whore, or something else equally as infuriating. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Election day is near
The election is coming up soon. If you're in a state that offered early voting, you may have already cast your vote. I sincerely hope, that for the good of the country, you didn't vote for Andy Miller.
Andy Miller is going to ask you to vote for him. Andy Miller may even offer you sexual favors so that you vote for him. Andy Miller will tell you how important it is to vote, unless you're Andy Miller. Andy Miller isn't going to vote this year. This is a fact. Andy Miller will tell you how important democracy is, yet he willingly forgoes his basic right to vote. Why would he do such a thing? I can't answer that question my friends, but I would like to give you a few names. These are names of others who won't be voting this year: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Kim Jong-il. Muammar al-Gaddafi. Adolf Hitler. Ernst Stavro Blofeld. The monster from Cloverfield. The Romulan Empire.
That tells you something, doesn't it?
Let's talk about heritage for a moment. I'm from Nebraska. You know who else is from Nebraska? If you said Mr T., you would be wrong. If you said Gerald Ford, then you're absolutely right. Andy Miller was born in Montana. Do you know which presidents are from Montana? No United States Presidents, that's for sure. Daniel Johnson is from Montana. Daniel Johnson is on death row in Montana. Daniel Johnson writes poetry. Wait a minute, Andy Miller writes poetry too. What a coincidence. Would you rather have A Gerald Ford as a President, or a guy on death row? Rest assured, Daniel Johnson is a real person, who is really on death row in Montana. I did not fabricate a person like Andy Miller has fabricated “a family that loves him.” We're sick of your lies Andy. Sick.
Now that I think of it, Daniel Johnson would have made a good running mate for Senator Miller. Andy Miller enjoys showering with men, and with his tiny child-like hands, he probably drops the soap all the time.
Unfortunately, I must conclude this post to continue on the campaign trail. The same campaign trail where I listen to the concerns of the American people. Senator Miller isn't on the campaign trail. He isn't listening to you. He's at home cooking a tofu-bean casserole for his wife. His fabricated wife? I'll let you decide.
Thank you.
Andy Miller is going to ask you to vote for him. Andy Miller may even offer you sexual favors so that you vote for him. Andy Miller will tell you how important it is to vote, unless you're Andy Miller. Andy Miller isn't going to vote this year. This is a fact. Andy Miller will tell you how important democracy is, yet he willingly forgoes his basic right to vote. Why would he do such a thing? I can't answer that question my friends, but I would like to give you a few names. These are names of others who won't be voting this year: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Kim Jong-il. Muammar al-Gaddafi. Adolf Hitler. Ernst Stavro Blofeld. The monster from Cloverfield. The Romulan Empire.
That tells you something, doesn't it?
Let's talk about heritage for a moment. I'm from Nebraska. You know who else is from Nebraska? If you said Mr T., you would be wrong. If you said Gerald Ford, then you're absolutely right. Andy Miller was born in Montana. Do you know which presidents are from Montana? No United States Presidents, that's for sure. Daniel Johnson is from Montana. Daniel Johnson is on death row in Montana. Daniel Johnson writes poetry. Wait a minute, Andy Miller writes poetry too. What a coincidence. Would you rather have A Gerald Ford as a President, or a guy on death row? Rest assured, Daniel Johnson is a real person, who is really on death row in Montana. I did not fabricate a person like Andy Miller has fabricated “a family that loves him.” We're sick of your lies Andy. Sick.
Now that I think of it, Daniel Johnson would have made a good running mate for Senator Miller. Andy Miller enjoys showering with men, and with his tiny child-like hands, he probably drops the soap all the time.
Unfortunately, I must conclude this post to continue on the campaign trail. The same campaign trail where I listen to the concerns of the American people. Senator Miller isn't on the campaign trail. He isn't listening to you. He's at home cooking a tofu-bean casserole for his wife. His fabricated wife? I'll let you decide.
Thank you.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Andy, for your consideration
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My response about Senator Miller's statements
That was a great little speech Andy, and I respect your opinions; however, I’d like to respond to your statements, and your factual errors.
Wal-Marts aren’t all that bad. If it wasn’t for Wal-Marts, and their new affordable prescription plan, poor folk like your mother wouldn’t be able to afford their herpes medication.
Cheez-its are a wonderful snack food, and I challenge you to find evidence to the contrary. You can make these outrageous claims all you want, but the American people deserve the truth, the same American people who happily grow fat on Cheez-its. I’d also like to take this opportunity to re-state my position that I dislike fat people.
Your plan for foreign countries seems like a great idea and all, but you’re living in a dream world. Sure, that terrorist will eat his gourmet cookie and watch Wall-e, but then he’ll say to himself, “I’ve still got time, I should go watch another of these fine and enjoyable American films.” The terrorist will then pay to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and his anger at us will grow to unimaginable heights. You think 9-11 was horrible? Just wait until the post-Chihuahua attacks start, and then you’ll be truly sorry.
I am entirely pro-choice. If I’m elected, I can assure you that someone will try to assassinate me. I’m going to need a human shield, and there’s only so much the Secret Service can do. God bless the Secret Service and all, but there’s only so much they can do. One needs a lightweight meat shield to toss up in front of you in a hurry. Tell me I’m wrong Senator Miller. You know I’m right on this issue.
For the record, you voted against essential funding for troop equipment. Kermit wouldn’t have died if he had proper body armor to protect him from the roadside I.E.D. that tragically took his, and Dr. Teeth’s, life. I voted for the troop funding. I was also at Kermit’s funeral. Where were you?
I never said that the ability to fire a shoulder-mounted rocket at a moving vehicle qualifies a person to teach, but it is a really fucking cool skill to have.
Lions in the jungle? What does that have to do with the issues? You’re just insulting the American people with your techniques to distract them from your inexperience. How about you stay on target and focus on the issues at hand?
I was at Dana College for four and a half years, not five and a half. You insult librarians, but maybe if you picked up a book that contained facts, as opposed to your normal reading of poetry and pornography, you’d have the ability to write a campaign speech that actually makes sense.
I’m not an egotistical man. By definition, egotism is an inflated sense of self-importance. This implies that an egotistical person really isn’t as important as he or she thinks. It’s a well known fact that I’m better than Senator Miller.
Despite Miller’s claims to the contrary, he is inferior to me, and his everyday actions prove it. He paints. Painting is a clear sign of arrogance. He’s also a wine-snob. He may tell you he’s not, but he’s a big stupid liar, and his pants are probably on fire. Right this instance, Senator Miller is sitting cross-legged, like many bisexuals, in his lounge chair with a glass of merlot in one hand, and a paintbrush in the other. No doubt painting a picture of himself having sexual relations with John Q. Public’s sister.
Senator Miller said himself that he shops at a grocery store called “Giant Eagle.” Of course he does. Only an unpatriotic individual like Andy would buy his groceries in the hollowed out corpse of a bald eagle, a mighty symbol of this great nation. Senator Miller not only buys his organic tofu-based foods in the belly of the once proud animal, but he also buys little 4 by 6 inch American flags, so that he can wipe his ass with them.
Senator Miler is the wrong choice. If you elect him, he’ll pee on your dog. If you don’t have a dog, he’ll go to the animal shelter and adopt one for you just so he can pee on it. And, once he’s through with that, he’ll put the dog to sleep anyway. Do you want a urine-soaked canine decomposing in your yard, or worse yet, your apartment? Of course you don’t want that. Vote for me, and I promise you the changes you want, not that changes that Senator Miller wants. If he gets his way, sex with animals will not only be legal, but mandatory.
If we wanted to have sex with animals, we’d move to Australia. Tell Senator Miller, no, scream at Senator Miller, “This is America mother fucker, and we’re not about to let you force animal sodomy upon us!”
Thank you for your time.
Wal-Marts aren’t all that bad. If it wasn’t for Wal-Marts, and their new affordable prescription plan, poor folk like your mother wouldn’t be able to afford their herpes medication.
Cheez-its are a wonderful snack food, and I challenge you to find evidence to the contrary. You can make these outrageous claims all you want, but the American people deserve the truth, the same American people who happily grow fat on Cheez-its. I’d also like to take this opportunity to re-state my position that I dislike fat people.
Your plan for foreign countries seems like a great idea and all, but you’re living in a dream world. Sure, that terrorist will eat his gourmet cookie and watch Wall-e, but then he’ll say to himself, “I’ve still got time, I should go watch another of these fine and enjoyable American films.” The terrorist will then pay to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and his anger at us will grow to unimaginable heights. You think 9-11 was horrible? Just wait until the post-Chihuahua attacks start, and then you’ll be truly sorry.
I am entirely pro-choice. If I’m elected, I can assure you that someone will try to assassinate me. I’m going to need a human shield, and there’s only so much the Secret Service can do. God bless the Secret Service and all, but there’s only so much they can do. One needs a lightweight meat shield to toss up in front of you in a hurry. Tell me I’m wrong Senator Miller. You know I’m right on this issue.
For the record, you voted against essential funding for troop equipment. Kermit wouldn’t have died if he had proper body armor to protect him from the roadside I.E.D. that tragically took his, and Dr. Teeth’s, life. I voted for the troop funding. I was also at Kermit’s funeral. Where were you?
I never said that the ability to fire a shoulder-mounted rocket at a moving vehicle qualifies a person to teach, but it is a really fucking cool skill to have.
Lions in the jungle? What does that have to do with the issues? You’re just insulting the American people with your techniques to distract them from your inexperience. How about you stay on target and focus on the issues at hand?
I was at Dana College for four and a half years, not five and a half. You insult librarians, but maybe if you picked up a book that contained facts, as opposed to your normal reading of poetry and pornography, you’d have the ability to write a campaign speech that actually makes sense.
I’m not an egotistical man. By definition, egotism is an inflated sense of self-importance. This implies that an egotistical person really isn’t as important as he or she thinks. It’s a well known fact that I’m better than Senator Miller.
Despite Miller’s claims to the contrary, he is inferior to me, and his everyday actions prove it. He paints. Painting is a clear sign of arrogance. He’s also a wine-snob. He may tell you he’s not, but he’s a big stupid liar, and his pants are probably on fire. Right this instance, Senator Miller is sitting cross-legged, like many bisexuals, in his lounge chair with a glass of merlot in one hand, and a paintbrush in the other. No doubt painting a picture of himself having sexual relations with John Q. Public’s sister.
Senator Miller said himself that he shops at a grocery store called “Giant Eagle.” Of course he does. Only an unpatriotic individual like Andy would buy his groceries in the hollowed out corpse of a bald eagle, a mighty symbol of this great nation. Senator Miller not only buys his organic tofu-based foods in the belly of the once proud animal, but he also buys little 4 by 6 inch American flags, so that he can wipe his ass with them.
Senator Miler is the wrong choice. If you elect him, he’ll pee on your dog. If you don’t have a dog, he’ll go to the animal shelter and adopt one for you just so he can pee on it. And, once he’s through with that, he’ll put the dog to sleep anyway. Do you want a urine-soaked canine decomposing in your yard, or worse yet, your apartment? Of course you don’t want that. Vote for me, and I promise you the changes you want, not that changes that Senator Miller wants. If he gets his way, sex with animals will not only be legal, but mandatory.
If we wanted to have sex with animals, we’d move to Australia. Tell Senator Miller, no, scream at Senator Miller, “This is America mother fucker, and we’re not about to let you force animal sodomy upon us!”
Thank you for your time.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A few things
I saw Eagle Eye this weekend. Apparently a few others did as well since it made about 30 million. From the trailers, I didn't really expect to like it. I only saw it because Samantha was at a conference and I had nothing else to do waiting for her. I liked it. I actually liked it quite a lot. A while back, I called what I thought would be one of the plot twists, and I was right, but that didn't make it a bad movie. my suggestion is, if you're planning to see it, don't read anything on it. I would have been pissed to read spoilers of this film before seeing it.
Paul Newman died of cancer. On this very blog a few weeks back, I posted a review of The Sting. Another great actor is gone.
Sarah Palin is a stupid, stupid bitch. Seriously, if you vote for McCain now, you're against the Constitution, and you're against quality leadership. There I said it. Try and prove me wrong if you think otherwise.
That leads me to McCain's announcement last week to "suspend" his campaign to work on the economic situation. First of all, if you've read into the situation at all, you'll know that Obama called McCain personally to talk about a joint statement on this very matter. After the call, McCain made the announcement himself in a pathetic attempt to one-up his opponent. Secondly, what the fuck is McCain's involvement in the matter going to help anyway? Like one more brain working on this issue is going to solve it? Where was McCain's valuable "input" on all the other decisions made without him while he was campaigning?
The Presidential debate last week was great because it just showcased that Obama has ideas, whereas all McCain has is the "Obama is inexperienced" argument. In my opinion, McCain has no right playing that card after picking Palin, whos only political experience is voting against people's rights and being able to see Russia on a sunny day from her home in Mooselandia. She's going to look like such an uneducated backwoods hick in the upcoming debate, and that pleases me greatly.
Paul Newman died of cancer. On this very blog a few weeks back, I posted a review of The Sting. Another great actor is gone.
Sarah Palin is a stupid, stupid bitch. Seriously, if you vote for McCain now, you're against the Constitution, and you're against quality leadership. There I said it. Try and prove me wrong if you think otherwise.
That leads me to McCain's announcement last week to "suspend" his campaign to work on the economic situation. First of all, if you've read into the situation at all, you'll know that Obama called McCain personally to talk about a joint statement on this very matter. After the call, McCain made the announcement himself in a pathetic attempt to one-up his opponent. Secondly, what the fuck is McCain's involvement in the matter going to help anyway? Like one more brain working on this issue is going to solve it? Where was McCain's valuable "input" on all the other decisions made without him while he was campaigning?
The Presidential debate last week was great because it just showcased that Obama has ideas, whereas all McCain has is the "Obama is inexperienced" argument. In my opinion, McCain has no right playing that card after picking Palin, whos only political experience is voting against people's rights and being able to see Russia on a sunny day from her home in Mooselandia. She's going to look like such an uneducated backwoods hick in the upcoming debate, and that pleases me greatly.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Another damn fine film
Here's another film you should watch again. Yes, I said I'd stop doing it...but I LIED!!!! Mwuhahahahahahaha!
The Sting
I picked up the special edition on sale at Barnes & Noble a few weeks back. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid, and even then, I remembered nothing about it. Well, almost nothing. It's odd what you remember, because up until I re-watched it tonight, whenever I heard this film mentioned, the image of a long outside staircase popped into my head. Sure enough, that staircase was in the film. It's weird that I remembered that and nothing else. The Sting stars Robert Redford and Paul Newman, who are spectacular, Newman in particular. The basic plot is Newman and Redford set out to pull an elaborate con after a friend of theirs is killed. I've never seen Ocean's 13, but from what I hear about the plot, it seems like The Sting may have been an inspiration. Hell, it's hard for a classic film like this not to influence future films.
This may be one of those films that you've never seen, due to it's age. It was released in 1973. It actually won best picture that year too, but that really isn't the reason to watch it. many undeserving films have won best picture. The reason to watch it is because it's just a damn enjoyable film. Hollywood is increasing the frequency in which they re-make films, which is a damn shame. Some idiot will undoubtedly pitch the idea of The Sting re-make to a studio, just because that's the way things work nowadays. Why write a new movie when you've got a library of old films to re-make and rape? Seriously, if they re-make this, I'll fuckin' cry.
If you have seen it already, then you know you should watch it again. I shouldn't have to tell you. But then again, some of you are like children, and you need me to guide you along.
Watch it.
Do it.
Do it now.
What are you waiting for?
Do it.
If you don't watch it, you're getting a time-out, I swear to God.
The Sting
I picked up the special edition on sale at Barnes & Noble a few weeks back. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid, and even then, I remembered nothing about it. Well, almost nothing. It's odd what you remember, because up until I re-watched it tonight, whenever I heard this film mentioned, the image of a long outside staircase popped into my head. Sure enough, that staircase was in the film. It's weird that I remembered that and nothing else. The Sting stars Robert Redford and Paul Newman, who are spectacular, Newman in particular. The basic plot is Newman and Redford set out to pull an elaborate con after a friend of theirs is killed. I've never seen Ocean's 13, but from what I hear about the plot, it seems like The Sting may have been an inspiration. Hell, it's hard for a classic film like this not to influence future films.
This may be one of those films that you've never seen, due to it's age. It was released in 1973. It actually won best picture that year too, but that really isn't the reason to watch it. many undeserving films have won best picture. The reason to watch it is because it's just a damn enjoyable film. Hollywood is increasing the frequency in which they re-make films, which is a damn shame. Some idiot will undoubtedly pitch the idea of The Sting re-make to a studio, just because that's the way things work nowadays. Why write a new movie when you've got a library of old films to re-make and rape? Seriously, if they re-make this, I'll fuckin' cry.
If you have seen it already, then you know you should watch it again. I shouldn't have to tell you. But then again, some of you are like children, and you need me to guide you along.
Watch it.
Do it.
Do it now.
What are you waiting for?
Do it.
If you don't watch it, you're getting a time-out, I swear to God.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A few months ago, I FINALLY take the initiative to budget our money and keep close record of what we spend. In the last week though, none of that's fucking mattered as our bank account has see-sawed from a positive amount to a negative one over and over....and for once, NONE of it is my god damn fault.
First: Even though our apartment complex said they'd hold our rent check until the 7th of August. They cashed it on the 4th. That put us negative quite a bit. The bank was going to charge us 20, yes 20, overdraft fees for multiple charges that were processed after that. They went easy on us and only charged us 6 seeing that is wasn't out error. Of course, all the apartment complex had to say was, "Oops, sorry 'bout that." Then we got paid, and were back in the positive.
Second: Sideshow toys charged us $350 for a diorama on August 15th. That's great and all, but they tried to charge us for the same diorama on July 8th. I called and canceled it then, I closed my account there on the same call. Yet, on August 15th, they had no record of us canceling the order, the refund they gave us, or the canceling of our account. That charge put us into the negative until they called the bank. Also, we found out that we had about $150 in cashback money that we transfered over. That left us back in the positive with more than I had before the fuck up.
Third: We had to go to the vet tonight for an emergency visit for one of our rats. I went to do a small cash advance to make sure we had money for the rat just in case it was expensive. At the same time, I looked at our savings account. Our total in the savings account read: $1,252.54. We spent all of our savings on the wedding, pretty much, so we shouldn't have that much. You want to know how much should be in our savings? $50. On August 11th, 1,202.54 was deposited into the savings. We didn't do that. Of course, U.S. Bank's wonderful fucking computer systems are down, so they can't give us any details on the deposit. I'd sure love to spend the money, but I'm not touching it, because I know it isn't ours, and the minute I do spend it, they'll want it back. Tomorrow, we have to make time to physically go to the bank to figure it out.
Fourth: The vet bill was $146.20. I gave the woman at the vet office my Visa card, and the dumb fucking skank accidentally added another number. Yay! We got charged $1,496.20! Yay! She processed a refund, but we all know that those don't go through as quickly, so our account shows us being over $900 negative because the refund hasn't shown up yet. I called the bank, and of course, they can't remove the authorization charge until they speak with the vet's office. I tell him, "I've got their number right here, give them a call and we can do this conference call style and get it worked out." The bank guy says, "Oh, we don't call out, they'll have to call us." FUCKING SONS OF FUCKERS! now, I have to call the vet and give them my account info, so they can call and work through the automated menus and shit. After I do that, I wait about 10 minutes. The vet calls me back and says "I called them, but their systems are down, so they want me to call back in 30 minutes." WHAT THE FUCK? Their systems are down? Their systems were working fine enough to process the $1,500 charge, but they're "down" when there's a mistake to be corrected? I'M SO GOD DAMN ANGRY. The rat will have to go to our regular vet tomorrow for an additional item, and how the fuck are we supposed to pay for that with a negative $900 balance? How the fuck am I supposed to get to work if I can't buy gas? These bitches better get this shit straightened out by morning, or I swear to God I'm going to go motherfucking postal.
Do you realize how fucking aggravating this is? I'm doing EVERYTHING in my power to keep our finances straight. I'm trying to fix my credit and get my shit together. I'm making a huge effort to make sure I never go negative again. Yet no matter what I do, people keep raping my bank account over, and over, AND MOTHERFUCKING OVER. I can't describe to you all how pissed I am right now. It's getting close to 2 a.m. in the fucking morning, and I can't go to sleep because I want to make sure this problem gets fixed. I have to be at work at 8 a.m. tomorrow do do a huge update on 30 computers before the library opens at 10 a.m. I have at least 2 meetings I have to attend later in the day, in addition to the routine tasks I'm now being given. It's the 1st really busy day I'll have there, and I won't be able to get any sleep because someone else fucked up. If I fuck up, I'll gladly take responsibility for it and the consequences, but all I've been doing lately is picking up the pieces for everyones else's fuck ups.
Hey, imagine that. I just checked the account and the $1,500 fee has been removed. So now I'm good, at least until the higher powers that be decide to fuck me up the ass again.
I'm going to bed.
First: Even though our apartment complex said they'd hold our rent check until the 7th of August. They cashed it on the 4th. That put us negative quite a bit. The bank was going to charge us 20, yes 20, overdraft fees for multiple charges that were processed after that. They went easy on us and only charged us 6 seeing that is wasn't out error. Of course, all the apartment complex had to say was, "Oops, sorry 'bout that." Then we got paid, and were back in the positive.
Second: Sideshow toys charged us $350 for a diorama on August 15th. That's great and all, but they tried to charge us for the same diorama on July 8th. I called and canceled it then, I closed my account there on the same call. Yet, on August 15th, they had no record of us canceling the order, the refund they gave us, or the canceling of our account. That charge put us into the negative until they called the bank. Also, we found out that we had about $150 in cashback money that we transfered over. That left us back in the positive with more than I had before the fuck up.
Third: We had to go to the vet tonight for an emergency visit for one of our rats. I went to do a small cash advance to make sure we had money for the rat just in case it was expensive. At the same time, I looked at our savings account. Our total in the savings account read: $1,252.54. We spent all of our savings on the wedding, pretty much, so we shouldn't have that much. You want to know how much should be in our savings? $50. On August 11th, 1,202.54 was deposited into the savings. We didn't do that. Of course, U.S. Bank's wonderful fucking computer systems are down, so they can't give us any details on the deposit. I'd sure love to spend the money, but I'm not touching it, because I know it isn't ours, and the minute I do spend it, they'll want it back. Tomorrow, we have to make time to physically go to the bank to figure it out.
Fourth: The vet bill was $146.20. I gave the woman at the vet office my Visa card, and the dumb fucking skank accidentally added another number. Yay! We got charged $1,496.20! Yay! She processed a refund, but we all know that those don't go through as quickly, so our account shows us being over $900 negative because the refund hasn't shown up yet. I called the bank, and of course, they can't remove the authorization charge until they speak with the vet's office. I tell him, "I've got their number right here, give them a call and we can do this conference call style and get it worked out." The bank guy says, "Oh, we don't call out, they'll have to call us." FUCKING SONS OF FUCKERS! now, I have to call the vet and give them my account info, so they can call and work through the automated menus and shit. After I do that, I wait about 10 minutes. The vet calls me back and says "I called them, but their systems are down, so they want me to call back in 30 minutes." WHAT THE FUCK? Their systems are down? Their systems were working fine enough to process the $1,500 charge, but they're "down" when there's a mistake to be corrected? I'M SO GOD DAMN ANGRY. The rat will have to go to our regular vet tomorrow for an additional item, and how the fuck are we supposed to pay for that with a negative $900 balance? How the fuck am I supposed to get to work if I can't buy gas? These bitches better get this shit straightened out by morning, or I swear to God I'm going to go motherfucking postal.
Do you realize how fucking aggravating this is? I'm doing EVERYTHING in my power to keep our finances straight. I'm trying to fix my credit and get my shit together. I'm making a huge effort to make sure I never go negative again. Yet no matter what I do, people keep raping my bank account over, and over, AND MOTHERFUCKING OVER. I can't describe to you all how pissed I am right now. It's getting close to 2 a.m. in the fucking morning, and I can't go to sleep because I want to make sure this problem gets fixed. I have to be at work at 8 a.m. tomorrow do do a huge update on 30 computers before the library opens at 10 a.m. I have at least 2 meetings I have to attend later in the day, in addition to the routine tasks I'm now being given. It's the 1st really busy day I'll have there, and I won't be able to get any sleep because someone else fucked up. If I fuck up, I'll gladly take responsibility for it and the consequences, but all I've been doing lately is picking up the pieces for everyones else's fuck ups.
Hey, imagine that. I just checked the account and the $1,500 fee has been removed. So now I'm good, at least until the higher powers that be decide to fuck me up the ass again.
I'm going to bed.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
So I lied
So there won't be a blog every week about an old movie you should watch again. I never really planned to have one. I tricked you because I'm sneaky like that.
However, if you do want to watch a few old movies again, I can tell you a few that I've watched recently that I can recommend.
TRON - This has always been one of my faves. I got a look at the footage shown at San Diego Comic Con for TRON 2. Oh my sweet fucking christ it's going to kick ass. Now, it may have been test footage that won't actually appear in the film, but it was cool enough to make me watch the first one again.
Starship Troopers - Part 3 that was just released is what made me revisit part 1. Despite a few huge flaws, Starship Troopers is still a fun film.
I'm in the second week of the new job. So far, it's going quite well. It's going to sound odd coming from me, but I'm actually a little bored and hoping to get stuff to do. It's early enough that I haven't gotten the passwords to some of the programs needed for routine tasks. It's also early enough that people haven't laid a lot of problems on me as to not "overwhelm" me. The problems that have been laid on me, like this morning's, have been so goddamn stupid, that I almost feel bad for taking $21 an hour from the library to solve them. When I solved the problem today, I almost felt like asking the person if this was cutting into their storytime or naptime. Today, I spent about 2 hours putting together the new bookcase for my office. Hank, the director, asked if I wanted maintenance to do it, but I was so freakin bored I took up the task. Of course, putting together crappy particle-board furniture means that something will break and the guy putting it together will fill with rage at the farsighted fuck who drilled the holes in some shithole Arkansas factory for $6 an hour. "Hey, for this one, let's drill the hole to within a fly's asshair of the other side of the board, so that the slightest pressure will crack the whole thing like an egg!"
Samantha got her new Social Security card today, so she's is officially Samantha Crow in the eyes of "the man." I could have given a shit less whether she changed her name or not, but now she's happy because people won't constantly mispronounce her name.
I'm thinking that Samantha and I should start looking into buying a house. The pros would be not throwing away $700 a month on rent with nothing to show for it. Also, I'd have more room. The cons are that I'd have to do the maintenance on the house, whereas now, the apartment complex does it for me. Also, I HATE the process of applying for loans and stuff. I'd rather go to the dentist than go through the credit checks, paperwork, and everything else that goes along with those types of things. hey, I should put that as my poll for this week. I want your advice. Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you.
I think we're going to see Tropic Thunder sometime in the next few days. Normally, I don't pay to see a comedy in theaters, but I laughed out loud at a scene in the red-band trailer, and that's pretty rare for me. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
However, if you do want to watch a few old movies again, I can tell you a few that I've watched recently that I can recommend.
TRON - This has always been one of my faves. I got a look at the footage shown at San Diego Comic Con for TRON 2. Oh my sweet fucking christ it's going to kick ass. Now, it may have been test footage that won't actually appear in the film, but it was cool enough to make me watch the first one again.
Starship Troopers - Part 3 that was just released is what made me revisit part 1. Despite a few huge flaws, Starship Troopers is still a fun film.
I'm in the second week of the new job. So far, it's going quite well. It's going to sound odd coming from me, but I'm actually a little bored and hoping to get stuff to do. It's early enough that I haven't gotten the passwords to some of the programs needed for routine tasks. It's also early enough that people haven't laid a lot of problems on me as to not "overwhelm" me. The problems that have been laid on me, like this morning's, have been so goddamn stupid, that I almost feel bad for taking $21 an hour from the library to solve them. When I solved the problem today, I almost felt like asking the person if this was cutting into their storytime or naptime. Today, I spent about 2 hours putting together the new bookcase for my office. Hank, the director, asked if I wanted maintenance to do it, but I was so freakin bored I took up the task. Of course, putting together crappy particle-board furniture means that something will break and the guy putting it together will fill with rage at the farsighted fuck who drilled the holes in some shithole Arkansas factory for $6 an hour. "Hey, for this one, let's drill the hole to within a fly's asshair of the other side of the board, so that the slightest pressure will crack the whole thing like an egg!"
Samantha got her new Social Security card today, so she's is officially Samantha Crow in the eyes of "the man." I could have given a shit less whether she changed her name or not, but now she's happy because people won't constantly mispronounce her name.
I'm thinking that Samantha and I should start looking into buying a house. The pros would be not throwing away $700 a month on rent with nothing to show for it. Also, I'd have more room. The cons are that I'd have to do the maintenance on the house, whereas now, the apartment complex does it for me. Also, I HATE the process of applying for loans and stuff. I'd rather go to the dentist than go through the credit checks, paperwork, and everything else that goes along with those types of things. hey, I should put that as my poll for this week. I want your advice. Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you.
I think we're going to see Tropic Thunder sometime in the next few days. Normally, I don't pay to see a comedy in theaters, but I laughed out loud at a scene in the red-band trailer, and that's pretty rare for me. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Something you should watch again.
I don't want to review new films on this blog, so I'm going to start highlighting a film each week that you should watch again. Yes, you've probably seen the film before, but I'm telling you that you should watch it again.
This week, the film is Dark City. I'm not even going to tell you anything about the plot, because you've already seen it, or you haven't, in which case, it's fun going into this knowing nothing about it.
Dark City
The version I've linked to on Amazon is the Director's Cut which was just released yesterday. So, technically, you haven't seen this version before, but you get the idea. I did buy this DVD yesterday at Wal-Mart, after an infuriating experience with Best Buy. I would rather buy DVDs at Best Buy, but apparently they don't want my business. I watched it last night because I just had to see what was different about the Director's Cut.
It turns out that there isn't a whole lot different about the Director's Cut, which I like. Since I love the original, I would be pained to see the additional footage actually hurt the end product. That happens with some extended cuts of films. In this case, the extra footage wasn't really whole blocks of scenes, but extended cuts of existing scenes. The box says that about 12 minutes of footage was added, but it was added so seamlessly that I couldn't remember, in some cases, whether it was a new bit or not.
Speaking of the director, Alex Proyas, he's the man who directed the first, and only good, Crow film. he also directed I, Robot. Not a spectacular film there, but not horrible either. Proyas is one of these directors that puts a lot of emphasis on making the film visually unique. The Crow had a distinct look and feel to it, and Dark City is no exception. Even though I've watched this film at least 6 times, I'm still stunned by its look. Even before the dialogue starts, you know you're in for a treat.
I should mention the actors as well. Rufus Sewell plays the main character John Murdoch. Rufus Sewell hasn't had a lot of starring roles in his career, which is sad, because he's great here. I can only think of one other film he's been in without looking at IMDB, and that was Bless the Child. Although that film was lackluster, he was an outstanding villian. Just an evil, twisted fuck. Jennifer Connelly plays John's love interest. She's not only an amazing actor, but she's amazingly beautiful as well. The Incredible Hulk was better than Ang Lee's Hulk, but Liv Tyler has nothing on Jennifer Connelly. Jennifer Connelly s a better actor, she's better looking, and the chemistry between her and Eric Bana far surpassed what Tyler and Norton had. I'm still cheesed off about that casting decision.
Kiefer Sutherland is in the film as the doctor trying to push Murdoch towards the truth, while at the same time trying to cover his own ass. Sutherland's role is a creepy one, with how he speaks, and shuffles around like a paranoid hobo. He's also got my favorite line in the movie. William Hurt is in the movie too. Seriously, when is he not good?
If you've seen this film before, then watch it again. If you haven't yet gotten the chance to see it, then see it! Next week I'll pick a different film.
This week, the film is Dark City. I'm not even going to tell you anything about the plot, because you've already seen it, or you haven't, in which case, it's fun going into this knowing nothing about it.
Dark City
The version I've linked to on Amazon is the Director's Cut which was just released yesterday. So, technically, you haven't seen this version before, but you get the idea. I did buy this DVD yesterday at Wal-Mart, after an infuriating experience with Best Buy. I would rather buy DVDs at Best Buy, but apparently they don't want my business. I watched it last night because I just had to see what was different about the Director's Cut.
It turns out that there isn't a whole lot different about the Director's Cut, which I like. Since I love the original, I would be pained to see the additional footage actually hurt the end product. That happens with some extended cuts of films. In this case, the extra footage wasn't really whole blocks of scenes, but extended cuts of existing scenes. The box says that about 12 minutes of footage was added, but it was added so seamlessly that I couldn't remember, in some cases, whether it was a new bit or not.
Speaking of the director, Alex Proyas, he's the man who directed the first, and only good, Crow film. he also directed I, Robot. Not a spectacular film there, but not horrible either. Proyas is one of these directors that puts a lot of emphasis on making the film visually unique. The Crow had a distinct look and feel to it, and Dark City is no exception. Even though I've watched this film at least 6 times, I'm still stunned by its look. Even before the dialogue starts, you know you're in for a treat.
I should mention the actors as well. Rufus Sewell plays the main character John Murdoch. Rufus Sewell hasn't had a lot of starring roles in his career, which is sad, because he's great here. I can only think of one other film he's been in without looking at IMDB, and that was Bless the Child. Although that film was lackluster, he was an outstanding villian. Just an evil, twisted fuck. Jennifer Connelly plays John's love interest. She's not only an amazing actor, but she's amazingly beautiful as well. The Incredible Hulk was better than Ang Lee's Hulk, but Liv Tyler has nothing on Jennifer Connelly. Jennifer Connelly s a better actor, she's better looking, and the chemistry between her and Eric Bana far surpassed what Tyler and Norton had. I'm still cheesed off about that casting decision.
Kiefer Sutherland is in the film as the doctor trying to push Murdoch towards the truth, while at the same time trying to cover his own ass. Sutherland's role is a creepy one, with how he speaks, and shuffles around like a paranoid hobo. He's also got my favorite line in the movie. William Hurt is in the movie too. Seriously, when is he not good?
If you've seen this film before, then watch it again. If you haven't yet gotten the chance to see it, then see it! Next week I'll pick a different film.
Monday, July 28, 2008
I've said it before, but it feels really good not to give a shit.
I have a week left at this current job. I'm not going to slack off, but I have a bit more freedom than I had before. Just this morning, for instance, I'm refreshing a Hasbro Toy Shop page every 20 seconds waiting for them to make some G.I. Joes available that will sell out within 5 minutes. If I miss this chance, there is NO way I'll get these figures at a reasonable price later. My boss walks up to me at the exact moment they become available. This is how the conversation went:
BOSS: "We should meet now and go over a few projects."
ME: "It's going to have to wait a few minutes."
BOSS: "Are you busy with something else?"
ME: "Just placing a very important online order. It'll take a few minutes before I get my confirmation. We can meet then."
It felt so god damn good to be able to brush aside the boss like that. I may not have done that if I was planning on keeping this job.
It turned out to be more like 45 minutes, since Hasbro's site couldn't handle the traffic and turned into a giant clusterfuck of page load errors and "Your order can not be completed, please try again later" messages. I did manage to get my order placed, but a large numbers of others never got the chance. Hasbro KNEW this was going to happen, and yet they couldn't make sure their site was up to the challenge. 40 years ago, humanity sent men to the moon in what was, by today's standards, a garbage can on top of 3,000 tons of high-explosives. Today, we can't figure out how to keep a server operation more than 10 minutes? Give me a fuckin' break.
I was going to go see the new X-Files film this last weekend, but I've heard that it's not worth it. I'm not saying that the series was always top notch, but it at least frequently freaked me out. The movie doesn't even do that well apparently. This means I can put that money towards Tropic Thunder next month, or Star Wars. but personally, I think Star Wars is going to suck. Face it fanboys, George Lucas is a tired old man who ran out of good ideas years ago, and good directing skills long before that. Yeah, Lucas isn't directing The Clone Wars, but you know he had his twisted cock of influence so far up the director's ass that he may as well be directing it.
While we're on the Star Wars topic, you should all be very proud of me for restraining myself. I could have bought the new Millennium Falcon playset a few days ago. I could have spent $150 plus tax doing so. Yet, I didn't. Maybe with my new job I'll have the money, but logic and reasoning prevailed for the time being. Gods it is a beautiful thing though. 2 1/2 feet across, with lights, sounds, automatic opening hatches, and a cockpit that can actually fit 4 figures. Take a look at these 2 pics. The first is a shot of the new Falcon next to the previous Falcon. The 2nd just shows you all the inside space. It just reminds me of the huge playsets we kids used to have, like the Flagg and the Defiant. Plus, I never had a Falcon before.

That's it, I'm out.
BOSS: "We should meet now and go over a few projects."
ME: "It's going to have to wait a few minutes."
BOSS: "Are you busy with something else?"
ME: "Just placing a very important online order. It'll take a few minutes before I get my confirmation. We can meet then."
It felt so god damn good to be able to brush aside the boss like that. I may not have done that if I was planning on keeping this job.
It turned out to be more like 45 minutes, since Hasbro's site couldn't handle the traffic and turned into a giant clusterfuck of page load errors and "Your order can not be completed, please try again later" messages. I did manage to get my order placed, but a large numbers of others never got the chance. Hasbro KNEW this was going to happen, and yet they couldn't make sure their site was up to the challenge. 40 years ago, humanity sent men to the moon in what was, by today's standards, a garbage can on top of 3,000 tons of high-explosives. Today, we can't figure out how to keep a server operation more than 10 minutes? Give me a fuckin' break.
I was going to go see the new X-Files film this last weekend, but I've heard that it's not worth it. I'm not saying that the series was always top notch, but it at least frequently freaked me out. The movie doesn't even do that well apparently. This means I can put that money towards Tropic Thunder next month, or Star Wars. but personally, I think Star Wars is going to suck. Face it fanboys, George Lucas is a tired old man who ran out of good ideas years ago, and good directing skills long before that. Yeah, Lucas isn't directing The Clone Wars, but you know he had his twisted cock of influence so far up the director's ass that he may as well be directing it.
While we're on the Star Wars topic, you should all be very proud of me for restraining myself. I could have bought the new Millennium Falcon playset a few days ago. I could have spent $150 plus tax doing so. Yet, I didn't. Maybe with my new job I'll have the money, but logic and reasoning prevailed for the time being. Gods it is a beautiful thing though. 2 1/2 feet across, with lights, sounds, automatic opening hatches, and a cockpit that can actually fit 4 figures. Take a look at these 2 pics. The first is a shot of the new Falcon next to the previous Falcon. The 2nd just shows you all the inside space. It just reminds me of the huge playsets we kids used to have, like the Flagg and the Defiant. Plus, I never had a Falcon before.

That's it, I'm out.
Monday, July 21, 2008
You were all WRONG!!
Pretty much everyone told me that even though Sam and I have been together over 7 years, it would "feel different" being married. It doesn't. My ring finger feels different, because it has a ring on it now. That's really the only difference I sense.
I guess I may feel different had our life before the wedding been short. Our engagement alone was almost 2 years long, which is almost 2 years longer than Brian knew his wife before they got married. I'll take this opportunity to once again state what a fucking idiot Brian can be.
The wedding itself was damn-near perfect. I anticipated a problem or two, but the only problems were minor ones. People kept asking if I was nervous. Once again, after 7 years, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I was going to get overwhelmed and run out of the chapel screaming and crying. The ONLY time I was a bit overwhelmed during the whole weekend was the Thursday before the wedding while I was visiting Sam's parents' hotel room. A bunch of other family members and friends were also there, and it just hit me that all of these people are here for Sam and I. All of these folks took time off from work and spent a crap-ton of money on gas or plane tickets to see us. All of these people are here together in the same room after all these years simply because of us.
I'm back at work now. I'd rather not be here. After almost 2 weeks off, going back to a job really sucks. Also, I'd rather just get this job over with and move to my new one, so that makes being here even tougher, knowing that it's really just wasting time while my boss finds a replacement.
I've nothing else to say. I think I'm going to go eat my bologna sandwich now.
I guess I may feel different had our life before the wedding been short. Our engagement alone was almost 2 years long, which is almost 2 years longer than Brian knew his wife before they got married. I'll take this opportunity to once again state what a fucking idiot Brian can be.
The wedding itself was damn-near perfect. I anticipated a problem or two, but the only problems were minor ones. People kept asking if I was nervous. Once again, after 7 years, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I was going to get overwhelmed and run out of the chapel screaming and crying. The ONLY time I was a bit overwhelmed during the whole weekend was the Thursday before the wedding while I was visiting Sam's parents' hotel room. A bunch of other family members and friends were also there, and it just hit me that all of these people are here for Sam and I. All of these folks took time off from work and spent a crap-ton of money on gas or plane tickets to see us. All of these people are here together in the same room after all these years simply because of us.
I'm back at work now. I'd rather not be here. After almost 2 weeks off, going back to a job really sucks. Also, I'd rather just get this job over with and move to my new one, so that makes being here even tougher, knowing that it's really just wasting time while my boss finds a replacement.
I've nothing else to say. I think I'm going to go eat my bologna sandwich now.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
I'm getting married in 4 days. I seriously had a hard time deciding who I was going to ask to be in my wedding party. I chose Cody, Brian, and Gerry. I was also considering: John, Shane, Andy, Travis, and Joey. All good friends. All of whom I respect and care for. I chose these three folks out of all the choices because I've known them the longest, because I want them there the most. Because I wanted them to know that they matter.
I asked these folks close to two years ago to be in my wedding. This afternoon, Brian told me that he may not have the money to make it here. I've known Brian for over 10 years. I consider him one of my best friends. I guess the feeling isn't mutual. Sure, he says that I'm one of his best friends, but when it comes down to the wire, actions speak louder than words.
He had two years to save up gas money and food money. That's all he needed. I would have given him a place to sleep. Instead of planning, he waits until the very last minute to sell a car for quick cash. Well, it seems the other guy doesn't want to buy the shitty car. Brian wants $1500 for the car. The guy offered him $1000. Brian turned it down. So instead of taking a small hit, and being able to attend my wedding, he chooses not to sell it and guarantees that he can't make it. Thanks a lot jerk.
Now, I have to ask John to be a groomsman 4 days before the wedding. I have to ask him to buy a suit at the last minute. John doesn't have a lot of money either. He had to do extra handy-man type jobs in order to pay for gas. His wife is expecting another child anyday now. It's not fair to put this upon him, but I have to because Brian decided to screw me.
I would do EVERYTHING in my power to attend if I were in his position. I have been in his position and I did make it, because friendship calls for sacrifices.
People told me that I shouldn't ask Brian. That he's unreliable. But I asked anyway, because I wanted him there. Because I trusted that he's do this for his friend. I stuck up for him and told everyone, "You'll see, he'll make it." I was wrong, and they were all right. That's what I get for trusting in a friend who doesn't bother putting any effort into his relationships. I won't make that mistake again.
I asked these folks close to two years ago to be in my wedding. This afternoon, Brian told me that he may not have the money to make it here. I've known Brian for over 10 years. I consider him one of my best friends. I guess the feeling isn't mutual. Sure, he says that I'm one of his best friends, but when it comes down to the wire, actions speak louder than words.
He had two years to save up gas money and food money. That's all he needed. I would have given him a place to sleep. Instead of planning, he waits until the very last minute to sell a car for quick cash. Well, it seems the other guy doesn't want to buy the shitty car. Brian wants $1500 for the car. The guy offered him $1000. Brian turned it down. So instead of taking a small hit, and being able to attend my wedding, he chooses not to sell it and guarantees that he can't make it. Thanks a lot jerk.
Now, I have to ask John to be a groomsman 4 days before the wedding. I have to ask him to buy a suit at the last minute. John doesn't have a lot of money either. He had to do extra handy-man type jobs in order to pay for gas. His wife is expecting another child anyday now. It's not fair to put this upon him, but I have to because Brian decided to screw me.
I would do EVERYTHING in my power to attend if I were in his position. I have been in his position and I did make it, because friendship calls for sacrifices.
People told me that I shouldn't ask Brian. That he's unreliable. But I asked anyway, because I wanted him there. Because I trusted that he's do this for his friend. I stuck up for him and told everyone, "You'll see, he'll make it." I was wrong, and they were all right. That's what I get for trusting in a friend who doesn't bother putting any effort into his relationships. I won't make that mistake again.
Monday, July 07, 2008
People sending me emails better make the subject lines a bit clearer. I got one yesterday that I deleted. The subject line was: Welcome Aboard! The sender is Hank Long.
Hank Long. Seriously, I just assumed it was spam instead of an email from my future boss welcoming me to my new job. At least his first name isn't Richard, because that would be unfortunate.
Hank Long. Seriously, I just assumed it was spam instead of an email from my future boss welcoming me to my new job. At least his first name isn't Richard, because that would be unfortunate.
I better get good wedding gifts from these assholes
So we sent out wedding invitations quite a while ago, with specific instructions to RSVP by a certain date, so that we could make sure we get enough tickets. In the last 4 days, I've had 4 people tell me: "Oh, did I forget to RSVP? I'm planning on coming, so I'll need tickets"
Yes, you forgot to RSVP you ignorant fucks. We're paying for the goddamn tickets, and we even paid for the goddamn stamp for them to send our RSVP back, FREE OF CHARGE. They could have sent it back anytime in the last 60 days, instead, they wait until 6 days before the wedding to verbally tell me.
So who has to call the woman taking care of our wedding and see if she can rush us a few more tickets? That's right, me. Not them. Not the fuckers who so badly want to come to our wedding, but are too mother fucking busy to be bothered to tell us in advance.
I'll remember these clowns when it comes time to open gifts. No one else technically has to give us gifts, but these four assholes better pay up, and pay up good.
Yes, you forgot to RSVP you ignorant fucks. We're paying for the goddamn tickets, and we even paid for the goddamn stamp for them to send our RSVP back, FREE OF CHARGE. They could have sent it back anytime in the last 60 days, instead, they wait until 6 days before the wedding to verbally tell me.
So who has to call the woman taking care of our wedding and see if she can rush us a few more tickets? That's right, me. Not them. Not the fuckers who so badly want to come to our wedding, but are too mother fucking busy to be bothered to tell us in advance.
I'll remember these clowns when it comes time to open gifts. No one else technically has to give us gifts, but these four assholes better pay up, and pay up good.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Along with the new look to this blog, you'll see an ad banner for Bartertown Comics on the right side of the page. Bartertown Comics is a new business my friend Shane is starting up. His site doesn't have a lot on it yet, but his inventory will grow as he continues to order new product. Also, if you're a regular comics buyer, and are sick of the fat bastards in your local comic shop, drop Shane a line, and he'll be more than happy to start ordering your titles. I beleive that he even throws in a free bag and board with each comic. He'll also order toys, trade paberbacks, graphic novels, statues, and other assorted merchandise that makes us nerds squeal with girlish delight.
I came up with the business name by the way. Shane couldn't think of anything good, so I dug deep into my creative "pool" and pulled that gem out.
I came up with the business name by the way. Shane couldn't think of anything good, so I dug deep into my creative "pool" and pulled that gem out.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Class reunion and such
Yep, I had a 10 year class reunion last weekend. As these things always are, it's never what you expect. For instance, in an email a few years back, I called one of my former classmates a "knuggle-dragging, heavy-breathing redneck." That classmate happened to see that email and I heard that he wanted to kick my ass because of it. Now, I didn't expect him to actually kick my ass, but I did expect him to say something about it, or at lease be a bit angry towards me. In actually, I talked to him more than anyone at the reunion, and he took no offense at my name-calling. I always thought he didn't care for me in high school, and it turns out that it was actually the exact opposite. He didn't think anyone liked him. I probably would have talked to him more in high school had I known. He's not a bad guy....for a dumb-ass redneck.
The rest of my little vacation was mediocre at best. My cell phone, although still usable, got sat on and smashed up real good. I went boating and "tubing" behind the boat, consequently I was so god damn sore that I could barely use my arms the last 2 days. Also, on the way back to Denver, I managed to see the only Colorado State police officer that I've EVER seen in my 5+ years of driving I-76. He saw me about 10 seconds before I saw him. His radar gun saw me too. I was going fast enough that he didn't even bother asking for my reasons or pretending to care. It was actually the quickest ticket I've ever received.
The wedding is coming up in less than 30 days. Plans are coming together quite nicely. Last week, we talked to the pastor who will be marrying us. I wasn't looking forward to that at all, especially since he is Catholic. The last thing I wanted to do was sit there and lie about my faith so that he'd agree to marry us. It turns out that he's a Reformed Catholic, which basically means he's like an Episcopal pastor. He never asked about my faith or beleifs. He's not making us do the wedding counseling thing because he thinks it's a waste of time. He charges less than the other people on the list, and he's done the ren-fair wedding lots of times.
I have a job interview on June 26th for a professional library job. I make about $15 an hour where I'm at now. This other job would be at least $21 an hour. I have to start paying back student loans soon, so that would be a welcome increase in pay. Plus, I'm anxious to actually get into my field in a professional manner, not this glorified secretary's job I have now.
I'm going to go see The Incredible Hulk tonight. Hopefully it doesn't blow.
The rest of my little vacation was mediocre at best. My cell phone, although still usable, got sat on and smashed up real good. I went boating and "tubing" behind the boat, consequently I was so god damn sore that I could barely use my arms the last 2 days. Also, on the way back to Denver, I managed to see the only Colorado State police officer that I've EVER seen in my 5+ years of driving I-76. He saw me about 10 seconds before I saw him. His radar gun saw me too. I was going fast enough that he didn't even bother asking for my reasons or pretending to care. It was actually the quickest ticket I've ever received.
The wedding is coming up in less than 30 days. Plans are coming together quite nicely. Last week, we talked to the pastor who will be marrying us. I wasn't looking forward to that at all, especially since he is Catholic. The last thing I wanted to do was sit there and lie about my faith so that he'd agree to marry us. It turns out that he's a Reformed Catholic, which basically means he's like an Episcopal pastor. He never asked about my faith or beleifs. He's not making us do the wedding counseling thing because he thinks it's a waste of time. He charges less than the other people on the list, and he's done the ren-fair wedding lots of times.
I have a job interview on June 26th for a professional library job. I make about $15 an hour where I'm at now. This other job would be at least $21 an hour. I have to start paying back student loans soon, so that would be a welcome increase in pay. Plus, I'm anxious to actually get into my field in a professional manner, not this glorified secretary's job I have now.
I'm going to go see The Incredible Hulk tonight. Hopefully it doesn't blow.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
We bitch way too much
As Americans, we bitch and complain way too much. Even with a shitty President and a shitty economy, we don't know how good we have it until something horrible happens elsewhere in the world.
Take Hurricane Katrina for example. The whole country, and the south in particular, raised hell because no one did anything to protect New Orleans when they knew it would someday happen. When it did happen, we were appaled at the lack of response on both state and federal levels. At least 1,836 people dies because of Katrina.
Now, you've all seen the news story about Cyclone Nargis that hit Burma. A cyclone is basically a hurricane. A meteorologist would say there are differences, but you and I both know that they're very similar. 22,000 people are confirmed dead with another 41,000 people missing. Those numbers will go up. Think about that for a minute. Twenty Two Thousand.
Yes, our country has seen better days, I'll admit that. However, even with the slow response of the goverenment, ONLY 1,836 people died in Katrina. At least the people in Katrina had houses that didn't fold up and become shrapnel in winds over 75 mph. At least the folks in Katrina weren't so god damned poor that they had to cram their entire families in those piss-poor shacks just to have some kind of a roof over their heads.
We consider Katrina to be one of this country's worst natural disasters. The Indian/Burmese region has lost at least 470,000 people to cyclones in the last 35 years or so, and that's just the total from FOUR cyclones. That's not even counting the tsunami in 2004. In fact, on the list of the 10 worst natural disasters in history, none of them are in the United States.
25,000 people died of starvation every day in 2003. That's over nine million dead in a single year. Think about that, and then tell me that we as a country have a reason to bitch.
Take Hurricane Katrina for example. The whole country, and the south in particular, raised hell because no one did anything to protect New Orleans when they knew it would someday happen. When it did happen, we were appaled at the lack of response on both state and federal levels. At least 1,836 people dies because of Katrina.
Now, you've all seen the news story about Cyclone Nargis that hit Burma. A cyclone is basically a hurricane. A meteorologist would say there are differences, but you and I both know that they're very similar. 22,000 people are confirmed dead with another 41,000 people missing. Those numbers will go up. Think about that for a minute. Twenty Two Thousand.
Yes, our country has seen better days, I'll admit that. However, even with the slow response of the goverenment, ONLY 1,836 people died in Katrina. At least the people in Katrina had houses that didn't fold up and become shrapnel in winds over 75 mph. At least the folks in Katrina weren't so god damned poor that they had to cram their entire families in those piss-poor shacks just to have some kind of a roof over their heads.
We consider Katrina to be one of this country's worst natural disasters. The Indian/Burmese region has lost at least 470,000 people to cyclones in the last 35 years or so, and that's just the total from FOUR cyclones. That's not even counting the tsunami in 2004. In fact, on the list of the 10 worst natural disasters in history, none of them are in the United States.
25,000 people died of starvation every day in 2003. That's over nine million dead in a single year. Think about that, and then tell me that we as a country have a reason to bitch.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The death of Christ! YAY!!!!
I’m not a highly religious individual, but nonetheless, I was thinking about the Easter holiday while eating lunch today. Specifically, I was thinking about Good Friday. Good Friday is the day when Jesus died upon the cross. Let me cement the point here: Jesus. Died.
Why the fuck would you call it Good Friday? Honestly, I’m pretty sure that, at least for Christians, Jesus dying isn’t something especially good. Some may say it caused good things later, but I doubt the death itself was very good.
Maybe it should be called something else. Bad Friday? Conditions Less than Favorable Friday? This Being Nailed to a Cross Shit Really Fucking Hurts Friday? I’m not saying my suggestions are the best, I’m just saying that “Good” doesn’t really capture the mood of the day quite right.
I was doing a bit of research on Good Friday and learned that different cultures have different names for the day. In much of Eastern Europe, it’s called Great Friday, an even shittier name. In Latin America, it’s called Holy Friday. That’s not too bad. In the Nordic countries, it’s called Long Friday. Once again, not too shabby. The Arab peoples are a bit closer because some of them call it Sad Friday. That seems pretty spot-on. It’s the Chinese though that really describe it properly. Their name for Good Friday translates to “Day of Christ’s Suffering.” There you fucking go! Leave it to the Chinese to actually make sense. It would have been a Good Friday if Jesus had been Chinese. They would have tried to catch him to nail him to the cross, and he would have gone kung-fu on their asses. If that had happened, we wouldn’t have crucifixes hanging in churches, we’d have little statues of Jesus with a pair of Nunchaku.
That actually inspires me to form my own offshoot of Christianity. The Church of the Risen Asskicker. You like the sound of that don’t you? Yes, I know you do.
Why the fuck would you call it Good Friday? Honestly, I’m pretty sure that, at least for Christians, Jesus dying isn’t something especially good. Some may say it caused good things later, but I doubt the death itself was very good.
Maybe it should be called something else. Bad Friday? Conditions Less than Favorable Friday? This Being Nailed to a Cross Shit Really Fucking Hurts Friday? I’m not saying my suggestions are the best, I’m just saying that “Good” doesn’t really capture the mood of the day quite right.
I was doing a bit of research on Good Friday and learned that different cultures have different names for the day. In much of Eastern Europe, it’s called Great Friday, an even shittier name. In Latin America, it’s called Holy Friday. That’s not too bad. In the Nordic countries, it’s called Long Friday. Once again, not too shabby. The Arab peoples are a bit closer because some of them call it Sad Friday. That seems pretty spot-on. It’s the Chinese though that really describe it properly. Their name for Good Friday translates to “Day of Christ’s Suffering.” There you fucking go! Leave it to the Chinese to actually make sense. It would have been a Good Friday if Jesus had been Chinese. They would have tried to catch him to nail him to the cross, and he would have gone kung-fu on their asses. If that had happened, we wouldn’t have crucifixes hanging in churches, we’d have little statues of Jesus with a pair of Nunchaku.
That actually inspires me to form my own offshoot of Christianity. The Church of the Risen Asskicker. You like the sound of that don’t you? Yes, I know you do.
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