Tuesday, August 19, 2008


A few months ago, I FINALLY take the initiative to budget our money and keep close record of what we spend. In the last week though, none of that's fucking mattered as our bank account has see-sawed from a positive amount to a negative one over and over....and for once, NONE of it is my god damn fault.

First: Even though our apartment complex said they'd hold our rent check until the 7th of August. They cashed it on the 4th. That put us negative quite a bit. The bank was going to charge us 20, yes 20, overdraft fees for multiple charges that were processed after that. They went easy on us and only charged us 6 seeing that is wasn't out error. Of course, all the apartment complex had to say was, "Oops, sorry 'bout that." Then we got paid, and were back in the positive.

Second: Sideshow toys charged us $350 for a diorama on August 15th. That's great and all, but they tried to charge us for the same diorama on July 8th. I called and canceled it then, I closed my account there on the same call. Yet, on August 15th, they had no record of us canceling the order, the refund they gave us, or the canceling of our account. That charge put us into the negative until they called the bank. Also, we found out that we had about $150 in cashback money that we transfered over. That left us back in the positive with more than I had before the fuck up.

Third: We had to go to the vet tonight for an emergency visit for one of our rats. I went to do a small cash advance to make sure we had money for the rat just in case it was expensive. At the same time, I looked at our savings account. Our total in the savings account read: $1,252.54. We spent all of our savings on the wedding, pretty much, so we shouldn't have that much. You want to know how much should be in our savings? $50. On August 11th, 1,202.54 was deposited into the savings. We didn't do that. Of course, U.S. Bank's wonderful fucking computer systems are down, so they can't give us any details on the deposit. I'd sure love to spend the money, but I'm not touching it, because I know it isn't ours, and the minute I do spend it, they'll want it back. Tomorrow, we have to make time to physically go to the bank to figure it out.

Fourth: The vet bill was $146.20. I gave the woman at the vet office my Visa card, and the dumb fucking skank accidentally added another number. Yay! We got charged $1,496.20! Yay! She processed a refund, but we all know that those don't go through as quickly, so our account shows us being over $900 negative because the refund hasn't shown up yet. I called the bank, and of course, they can't remove the authorization charge until they speak with the vet's office. I tell him, "I've got their number right here, give them a call and we can do this conference call style and get it worked out." The bank guy says, "Oh, we don't call out, they'll have to call us." FUCKING SONS OF FUCKERS! now, I have to call the vet and give them my account info, so they can call and work through the automated menus and shit. After I do that, I wait about 10 minutes. The vet calls me back and says "I called them, but their systems are down, so they want me to call back in 30 minutes." WHAT THE FUCK? Their systems are down? Their systems were working fine enough to process the $1,500 charge, but they're "down" when there's a mistake to be corrected? I'M SO GOD DAMN ANGRY. The rat will have to go to our regular vet tomorrow for an additional item, and how the fuck are we supposed to pay for that with a negative $900 balance? How the fuck am I supposed to get to work if I can't buy gas? These bitches better get this shit straightened out by morning, or I swear to God I'm going to go motherfucking postal.

Do you realize how fucking aggravating this is? I'm doing EVERYTHING in my power to keep our finances straight. I'm trying to fix my credit and get my shit together. I'm making a huge effort to make sure I never go negative again. Yet no matter what I do, people keep raping my bank account over, and over, AND MOTHERFUCKING OVER. I can't describe to you all how pissed I am right now. It's getting close to 2 a.m. in the fucking morning, and I can't go to sleep because I want to make sure this problem gets fixed. I have to be at work at 8 a.m. tomorrow do do a huge update on 30 computers before the library opens at 10 a.m. I have at least 2 meetings I have to attend later in the day, in addition to the routine tasks I'm now being given. It's the 1st really busy day I'll have there, and I won't be able to get any sleep because someone else fucked up. If I fuck up, I'll gladly take responsibility for it and the consequences, but all I've been doing lately is picking up the pieces for everyones else's fuck ups.

Hey, imagine that. I just checked the account and the $1,500 fee has been removed. So now I'm good, at least until the higher powers that be decide to fuck me up the ass again.

I'm going to bed.

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