Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wow, just wow.
I thought the Spears family couldn't go any lower after the escapades of Britney over the last few months. However, her 16 year old sister is now pregnant.
16. Is anyone in that family not a whore?
Seriously, these girls, no matter how much money they have, are no different than the girls who lived down the street in a trailer park in my hometown. That family had 2 stupid ass girls too, and one of them was a pregnant 16 year old.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Did I really miss out?
Wow, a Tim Burton film starring Johnny Depp? That's something that the filmgoing public has yet to see! Give me a fucking break. Tim Burton must look at every role that needs to be cast in his films and say, "Johnny Depp would be great in all of these roles. He doesn't really fit this part, but I'll make sure it's rewritten so that he does fit!"
Yes, this film has really good reviews, but I'm just getting tired of watching Tim Burton films that feel like Tim Burton films. Seriously dude, try something new. Maybe go a different direction with your next film and show everyone that you're not just some hack who keeps doing the same goddamn thing over and over because you don't know how to make any other type of film.
So no, I don't regret my decision last night. I don't think I missed the next big revolution in filmmaking.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I've Neglected You, and I'm Sorry
First of all, the wedding date is set. July 12th of 2008. We always thought it would be July 12th, but we hadn't actually done what we needed to do to confirm it until a week ago.
Secondly, I'd like to take a minute to talk about the tragedy in Omaha last week. Specifically, I'd like to say a word or two about the guy that did the shooting. It's one thing to commit suicide, I mean it's his choice to end his life or not, but that's not what he did. Instead, he made the decision for 8 other people. Instead of just ending his pathetic life, he felt that taking people with him was the best thing to do. You know why he did this? I know. He did this because it wasn't about killing himself. It was never about killing himself. What is was about is a fucked-up piece of shit who wanted others to hurt. Killing himself was just a way to ensure that he didn't have to own up to what he did. It was a way for him to bypass the consequences and responsibility that everyone else has to deal with. It isn't the P.C. thing to say, but that guy was a worthless bastard and I'm glad he's dead.
Now, I transition to Oprah. She has nothing to do with the previous paragraph, so don't assume that I would also like to see Oprah dead. She's powerful enough to monitor my internet usage, and if she thinks I want her dead, she'll take me out first. What I don't agree with is her very obvious backing of Barack Obama. I guess her power and influence is why I don't like the situation. You see, when it comes to popular people in the media, there are a number of people who take their opinions to seriously. People who, despite facts or other conflicting opinions, will blindly take the advice and run with it. To me, Oprah openly backing a presidential candidate is like a news anchor openly backing a candidate: it just shouldn't be done. Like a news anchor, she should keep her political views out of her broadcasts. People should look at all the facts before voting, but I can assure you that her opinion will cause a number of women to vote for Obama, whether they agree with him or not. I say women not to be sexist, but Oprah's primary audience is women, that's just a fact. Maybe I'm being too goddamn bitchy, but I think Oprah should leave the political endorsements to political experts and allow people to make up their own minds.
Something else that I've recently grown more aware of is the state of healthcare in the U.S. I keep hearing politicians talk of universal healthcare and the problems with the current systems, and until a month ago, I really didn't take much notice of it. However, now I see what everyone is making a fuss over. I went to the emergency room about a month ago because I was having quite the painful ordeal with a tooth of mine that has been cracked for many a year. I'm too damn stupid to actually get it taken care of by a dentist. Because of this tooth, my gums and cheek on my left side really started to swell up and it hurt like a bitch. I actually have a pretty high pain tolerance, so for me to go to the hospital says a lot. I was at there for an hour, most of the time was spent waiting. When the doctor did treat me, all he did was lance the swollen area, drain the puss and blood by squeezing my cheek a few times, and write me perscriptions for antibiotics and painkillers.
I wouldn't have gone to the hospital had I not had health insurance, like many Americans don't have. Well, I got the bill last week from the hospital. It turns out that for the 10 minutes or so I was being treated, I owe the hospital $485. 485 fucking dollars to get poked in the gums? WHAT THE FUCK? Had I not had insurance, it would have cost near $1000. Keep in mind, I have insurance, a job, and no dependents to care for. If I wasn't financially stable, I couldn't pay for this treatment. To me, being charged this much for so little is damn near illegal. If not illegal, than most certainly horribly immoral. It isn't like there is only 1 hospital to care for all of Denver. It wasn't like the emergency room was full of people. It's simply the hospital charging as much as they want for services you can't possibly turn down without possible deadly consequences.
On the other hand, I went to the dentist yesterday and had that tooth, and another one removed. The dentist literally spent over an hour and a half performing what amounts to surgery on me. You know what that surgery cost me with my insurance? $38. Thirty eight dollars for surgery at the dentist while the hospital wants damn near $500 for a 10 second stabbing. So, I guess what I'm saying is tht I understand now. I get why people are upset at the state of healthcare in the U.S. And, I truly feel sorry for all those people out there who put off going to hospitals because they know they can't do that and pay the rent at the same time. I feel sorry for the people who do go to the hospital with their sick child not knowing if they'll be able to feed their child after the bill comes. I can't believe that, in this country where everything is supposed to be so damn great, this is acceptable.
I'm done complaining now, I really am. I'd actually like to give my thoughts about the film I saw yesterday: The Golden Compass. Normallt, I try to avoid fantasy films marketed to children, or any film marketed to children, but I decided to give this one a shot. Part of this decision was the film's rating of PG-13, instead of the vomit-induced G rating that is given to most children's films. The Golden Compass is rated PG-13 for a reason. Even though it certainly wasn't too "cutesy" or anything, I did find myself wondering why it had the PG-13 rating, at least up until a scene about halfway in that surprised me a bit with its brutality.
But, did I like the film? Yes actually, I did, and for a few reasons. First of all, I was dreading that this film would be another "kid sucked into a fantasy world where everything is new and strange" type of film. Keep in mind, I've never read these books so I had no idea what to expect. It turns out that the main character lives in this fantasy world, so that pleased me greatly. Secondly, and more importantly, was that the film didn't beat us over the head with this fantasy world. Yes, the world was indeed strange and otherworldly, but there weren't any "Hey look at this, isn't this so strange and cool? I bet you didn't expect to see this!" moments. The filmmakers didn't showcase this world for us. They simply treated it as if we were already accustomed to this reality.
No, the film wasn't perfect, and I can name a number of things that could have been done better, but I came out of the theater thinking that I had seen a fairly good film, not that I had just seen a fairly good children's film. And honestly, the film isn't intended for young children, and I think a lot of parents might make that mistake. Sure, it will be their fault for not paying attention to the PG-13 rating, but you know as well as I do, they'll bitch and moan that they were misled and blah blah blah.
I'll end with a few DVD recommendations:
Futurama: Bender's Big Score came out about 2 weeks ago. What sucks is that most places are selling it for $20. I can buy a season of Futurama for 20 bucks, so a single Futurama film for the same price seems like we're being raped ever so slightly. However, it's a funny film and I suggest buying it to support Futurama and by doing so, let Fox know that canceling it was a dumb ass idea.
Live Free or Die Hard also came out a few weeks back. If you're going to watch it, make sure you watch the Unrated version.
The last Pirates of the Caribbean film was released last Tuesday. It's a damn fine film despite what others may tell you.
Battlestar Galactica: Razor is in stores now. If you haven't seen any of this series now, just wait and watch it all on DVD in its entirety when the 4th, and final, season hits DVD sometime in the next 2 years.
Speaking of Battlestar Galactica, on December 26th, Battlestar Galactica 1980 is released. Do not buy this. If you buy this, I will pay someone to shank you with a sharpened toothbrush handle. All I have to say is: Cylons on motorbikes. Seriously, big robots on choppers.
It's 3 a.m. and I'm going to bed.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I gone done Gradumakated!
It was a good weekend. I had a nice little BBQ at my apartment, watched the Bourne Ultimatum, and relaxed a bit, which has been quite difficult to do lately. I also did some clothes shopping. The woman who was my field mentor/boss at my internship site gave me a gift card to Macy's on Wednesday. A $100 gift card. Now that's generous right there. I was expecting the gift card to be no more than $25. 25 seems to be the standard gift card amount nowadays. Another friend if mine gave me a Wii game as a gift. That was pretty damn cool too. Personally, I didn't expect anyone to givce me jackshit for my graduation. It's not like I got married or anything stupid like that.
However, if anyone else wants to give me gifts, I will continue to accept them. It would be rude not to.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Lackluster Video
I used to like Blockbuster, I really did. For a time, I could go into a Blockbuster to rent a movie, and also pick up a cool action figure or a pack of trading cards. Well, they got rid of the toys and trading cards quite some time ago. And, as of yesterday, it seems as though they’ve gotten rid of their movies too.
You see, Blockbuster also used to have this “guaranteed in stock” policy that, as the title suggests, means the chances of getting the new movie you wanted was pretty good. They don’t have this feature anymore, so going to Blockbuster yesterday was an effort resulting only in futility and rage. EVERY copy of EVERY movie I wanted to see was rented. Every time I saw an empty shelf, I thought about other movies I may want to see, and lo and behold, those too were gone. After 10 minutes of this, I was ready to dash someone’s brains upon the carpet.
I understand the whole concept of supply and demand, but what good is a store that can’t supply ANYTHING I’m looking for? I wouldn’t shop at a grocery store that was sold out of every food item I was looking for.
To give you some perspective on how bad the rental situation was, I noticed someone had rented Highlander 2: The Quickening. When you have to resort to renting that because everything else is gone, you know the store blows.
And one more thing: Blockbuster claims that they have “No late fees.” That’s odd, because when we went to rent the 2 films we finally chose, they said we owed $6 for movies we previously rented. They claimed they were “restocking fees.” First of all, they were late by no more than a week. And second, a restocking fee IS a late fee. We were charged a FEE because we returned the films LATEr than we were supposed to. It doesn’t matter what the fuck you call it, it’s still a motherfucking late fee and it pisses me the hell off.
So, fuck them. I’m not going back to their store, and I won’t use their online service either. Not that I was planning on it anyway, but now I certainly won’t. I’ll Netflix or, God forbid, RedBox my movies before I go back to their den of filth.Monday, July 30, 2007
I have no idea how to respond
I see a loaf of bread on my passenger seat.
Someone put a loaf of sliced bread in my truck. I haven't bought bread in over a month, so it wasn't me. Sam hasn't gone to the store in quite a while, and certainly not in my truck, so it wasn't her.
I just don't know what to say.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Although both suck, I hate the cable channel just a little bit more tonight. Do you know what AMC stands for? It stands for American Movie Classics.
American Movie CLASSICS. Not just American Movies, American Movie CLASSICS. Of all the movies that they could be showing, do you know what they're showing as I'm flipping through the channels now?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
So I haven’t done this whole “blog” thing in quite some time. Truthfully, I’ve been quite busy, and also, I haven’t really had anything important happen to me that warrants blogging about. I do have a few things I’d like to bitch about today however.
First, I’m sure you’ve all seen, or read, the news stories about the Seven New Wonders of the World list that was released. What I have to say about it is quite simple: The list sucks. The list sucks for one major reason: The whole list is nothing more than buildings, or structures of some kind.
So, in order for something to be a man-made wonder, it has to be a building or a structure? So, the Christ Redeemer Statue in Brazil is more of a wonder than, let’s say, the Internet, or fucking Penicillin?! The Internet has literally changed the world is almost every way, including communication and finance. Penicillin has saved countless lives since it was discovered in the early 20th century. Yet, these things aren’t buildings, so they can’t be considered for the 7 Wonders list.
I can think of discovery after discovery that could be considered an amazing wonder. Space flight and the Human Genome Project are two I can think of off the top of my head that are scientific in nature. What about structures that actually serve a purpose, like the system of dikes that keep half of the Netherlands from being flooded by the North Sea?
The writings of Shakespeare? Nope, not a building, so sorry.
The next thing on my agenda of bitching is this little news story I read the other day:
So members of the NAACP want to take the word Nigger “out of their minds” by holding a mock burial for it? What the fuck?! I guess there’s nothing like burying your head in the god damn sand and pretending it isn’t an issue anymore. The Michigan Gov. had this to say about it: "Let's say good riddance to this vestige of slavery and racism, and say hello to a society that embraces all its people,"
So holding a dumb-ass mock burial for a word is going to be some amazing event that will herald a new, better society where everyone loves everyone and free puppies are to be had by all? Well, at least you dumbshits are optimistic. This isn’t going to stop people from using the word. It isn’t going to stop hate. And it sure isn’t going to erase history.
As you can read in the story, the Chairman of the NAACP added this: "This is not an acceptable term for anyone to use," he said. "We need to make sure that no one denigrates people no matter who they are. We need to protect the denigration of our people by our people." Why the fuck isn’t it acceptable? Sure, it may not be the nicest word, but it’s a part of history, and there is a little thing called freedom of speech. If a KKK member in his big white pointy hat wants to scream about how niggers are polutin’ this countries’ gene pool, then he has every god damn right to say it, no matter how wrong he may be, no matter how stupid he sounds saying it. If a black man calls another black man “nigger” as a term of friendship, then how is that wrong? If neither are offended, then what the hell is the problem?
I’d sure like to never hear the phrase “Sean Crow has a really small dick” ever again, but burying it won’t stop people from saying it, and repeating it, and laughing at me while I quietly sob to myself.
My last order of bitching has to do with a local story here in the Denver area. A woman is flying the United States flag upside down in a silent protest to the war. Her Home Owners Association is telling her she must take it down or fly it correctly, otherwise she’ll be fined quite a lot of money. Obviously her HOA hasn’t heard of Freedom of Speech either, much like the NAACP. Maybe they’ve heard of it, but just don’t realize how god damn important it is.
There are many shitty arguments I’ve heard against this woman’s silent protest, and this is perhaps the worst one, that I’ve heard at least 3 people, all former soldiers, say:
“It’s disrespectful because I fought for that flag.”
Newsflash: If you fought for the flag, then you fought for the wrong god damn thing. Did we decide to go to war in 1941 because the Japanese bombed our flags at Pearl Harbor? Did we go to war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein had one of our flags on his desk and was poking it with a stick? FUCK NO. We go to war to protect (and in some cases, spread) the beliefs and values that are the foundation for this country. The flag is a fucking piece of cloth that identifies an area of land as belonging to the United States.
I worked with an old Vietnam vet once, and although he hated the idea of people burning the flag, he told me that he went to war and fought to protect the rights of the people, and that burning the flag was one of those rights. Even he, who watched friends die next to him, isn't so damn jaded as to think the flag itself is the living embodiment of the country as a whole.
“Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism” is a quote often misattributed to Thomas Jefferson. However, the idea is still true. This woman’s choice to fly the flag upside down is her way of protesting, and no matter if it’s viewed favorably or not, protest and dissent was viewed as a necessary function, as Thomas Jefferson DID once say:
“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then.”
I guess this particular HOA association doesn’t realize that it’s operating here in the United States and not a fascist society where hanging a flag upside down would be illegal. And, if you really want to get technical about disrespecting the U.S. flag, what about the guys you see at the swimming pools wearing U.S. flag designed Speedos? I think wrapping up your junk in the American flag is way more disrespectful than a peaceful, quiet protest.
Stupid fuckers the lot of ‘em, I tell you.Friday, May 25, 2007
Real crap, not simulated.
That’s right, you’ve just read a sentence containing one of the dumbest ideas ever proposed by a bunch of idiots in Hollywood, no, the world. You can never get that time back, never.
You know what happens when you put a plot into a game like The Sims and make a movie out of it? Shit, I don’t know, but the result can’t be good. What are they going to do to top this amazing blockbuster? I have some game-inspired film ideas along with trailer dialog the studios may want to look into. Narrator Movie-Voice Guy lines are in bold.
Dig Dug: To Hell and Back
All Dig Dug Wanted to do was dig in the dirt
“I’m going to dig farther than anyone’s ever dreamed of!”
Until one day, he dug too deep, and unleashed an unimaginable evil
“They’re everywhere Dig Dug! Help!”
Now, all Dig Dug wants to do, is unearth an asskicking
“I have to finish this!”
He’s traded in his shovel for a shotgun,
“They’re all around you!”
And he won’t stop until the threat is buried
Dig Dug: To Hell and Back
Tunneling your way June 20th
Frogger: The Return
“We can rebuild him, we have the technology!”
The frog is coming back, and this time, traffic doesn’t stand a chance
This summer, the road kill hits back
“Oh my God, what is that?”
One Frog
“We have to find a way to stop him before it’s too late!”
One Mission
“He’s coming back around!”
One Hundred Ways To Kill
“He’s taken out the bridge!”
Revenge is a dish best served with frog legs
“We’ve only got one shot at this!”
Frogger: The Return
In Theatres Everywhere August 2nd
There’s only so much joke-making I can do before I wear myself out. I have to go take a nap now.
Friday, March 16, 2007
The biggest blog in the world
This will be a HUGE blog since I haven’t posted in a while.
I’ll start off with a serious matter:
Angelina Jolie is reportedly in
I do understand that adoptions here in the States have some issues. The mother can basically change her mind anytime in the first 2 years of the adoption. It’d suck to adopt, and then have the child taken away after a few years. Also, the mother is now given rights and the means to find her child again really whenever she wants. Oh, she was a crack-whore when she gave away her child, but now she wants to be the kid’s mother 13 years later? So yes, I can see where folks, and specifically people in the public spotlight,
Madonna recently did the same damn thing; it just wasn’t Vietnam in her case. I guess adopting a foreign kid is the new hip thing to do. Instead of toting around a pocket poodle in your handbag, you can tote around an Asian tot. The pocket poodle thing is sooo last week.
Or you can get a Vietnamese kid and a pocket poodle, and your new child can learn to cook his native cuisine.
HA! That was both funny and inappropriate!
Here in Colorado, you can choose from at least 60 different license plate styles for your car. I shit you not, at least 60. You can get a special plate if you’ve adopted a Greyhound dog for shit’s sake. I think it’s comical that I saw a woman driving around with a “Find a Cure” for breast cancer license plate, yet she was sucking on a cigarette. Breast cancer needs a cure now, but lung cancer can fucking wait. She may be hacking up blood in 10 years, but she’ll be damned if she does it with only one tit.
I’m sure you’ve encountered the idiot college frat guy who, when speaking to you, always calls you “bro.” Maybe you know that guy who wears jeans that are too damn tight, a cowboy hat, and insists on calling you “Pardner.” Could the bane of your existence be the southern gal at the diner who always calls you “Sugar” regardless of your physical appearance, financial status, or even gender? Personally, I HATE it when people do this. I have a name and, while I’m at work, it’s even boldly displayed on my work badge. There’s a new patient here who frequents the library who insists on not learning my real name. While in the cafeteria, he says to me, “Hey do ya mind passing the pepper this way, Chief?” In the library, it’s, “Thanks a lot for the help Chief.” Listen up Sport, my name is Sean. Unless you’re present when I dance around my apartment in my boxers with my feathered headdress and Pawnee war club, you’ve got no basis for calling me Chief.
Are these terms supposed to be clever, or endearing in some way? Am I your friend now because you called me Chief? If so, that’s awesome! I’ll go home, pop a few brews in the fridge, throw some of them lil’ smoked barbecue weenies in the crock pot and I’ll await your arrival so we can jam to Manhattan Transfer.
Manhattan Transfer, get it? Manhattan was a tribe of Indians. I’m so God Damn clever.
Now to television:
First, I noticed in a commercial for WWE Wrestling that Donald Trump is playing a part in a current storyline. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Donald recently call Rosie O’Donnell “trashy,” and a few other names? I’m sorry Donald, but you have no reason to call someone else white trash when you’re on pro wrestling. I’m not saying that pro wrestling is just for white trash, I’ve watched it on occasion, I used to watch it a lot in college, and I know someone that’s worked for WWE. However, one has to admit that the white trash stereotype is solidly affixed to wrestling and appearing in it makes what Donald said seem quite hypocritical. Donald is just a whiny bitch. So is Rosie, but she isn’t on WWE at the moment. Although, she is quite mannish and would probably do well there screaming obscenities and pile driving opponents to the matt.
Oh, I’ve got the perfect WWE on-stage name for Rosie O’Donnell: Rosie the Riveter. She’s come out in flannel and steel-toed work boots with a rivet gun over her shoulder.
Secondly, the fiancée was watching television the other night. She turned it to the movie Resident Evil 2. What made me do a double take was the channel it was on. Resident Evil 2, a video game based film with lots of gore, violence, and shitty dialogue was being shown by the Oxygen Network. What the hell?! The Oxygen Network, if you aren’t familiar with it, was formed in part by Oprah. It’s a network aimed towards young women. They show reruns of Ellen and Mad About You and show their own programs such as The Janice Dickenson Modeling Agency. Showing Resident Evil 2 on the Oxygen Network is like showing mother fucking Commando on the Lifetime Network. What was even funnier about it were the commercial breaks. They had commercials for Tickle Me Elmos. The Oxygen Network should learn about a little thing called demographics and target audience. This is almost as bad as the Sci-Fi Network showing ECW wrestling on Tuesday nights. Yeah, like the same guys who watch Stargate are really the type of guys that like wrestling. Most of the guys who watch Stargate have only ever wrestled jelly donuts or D&D dice from their morbidly obese friends.
I’m really not trying to bash wrestling, but it just keeps coming up.
Lastly, 24. I can’t be the only person who thinks this show is getting really freakin’ pointless. All the terrorists have to do next season to defeat Jack Bauer is make sure the crises lasts 25 hours, and then we’re all fucked.
Two nights ago, I saw The Road Warrior in a theater. Oh yes, you heard me right. A United Artist theater here in Denver plays old movies every Wednesday night. I didn’t know about this until my buddy Shanecho asked me if I wanted to see The Road Warrior. Hell yeah I did! Other than my fiancée Samantha, who would be dumb enough to pass up that opportunity? What really topped off the night was the replica V8 Interceptor sitting outside the theater. I didn’t have a camera with me, but it looked exactly like this one:
An actual Ford Falcon all Mad Max’ed out. I so wanted to hop in and haul ass down I-25 with the windows down screaming maniacally. The “placard”, as Shane called it, stated that the replica Interceptor can pretty easily hit 160 m.p.h., or 257 k.p.h. if you’re one of those Metric System bastards.
The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I likes it!
Tell me what episode of The Simpsons that quote is in, and you will win a 100 count box of #1 size paperclips. This way, when you type out and print all the useless crap you’ve learned while living in your mom’s basement, you’ll have a much easier time organizing it into managable piles.
So I think I’ve cursed myself musically. Last week, while chatting with someone online, I joked about the 80’s band, Men Without Hats. In the last two days, while scanning through the radio, I’ve happened upon The Safety Dance twice. Before 2 days ago, I hadn’t heard The Safety Dance twice in the last 2 years. I crack jokes about Neil Diamond all the time too, and after turning it away from The Safety Dance in disgust this morning, my radio magically finds the song Cherry, Cherry. Later in the day, while getting some groceries at Albertson's, I heard Sweet Caroline. I made a humorous wisecrack about Falco last week. I wonder when that one’s gonna come back to bite me on the ass.
In interesting side note. Did you know that Neil Diamond has a song named: Crunchy Granola Suite? I’ve heard that there was a written, but unrecorded, sequel to this song titled: Fiber Makes me Shit Better.
Maybe you didn’t find that last joke humorous, but just picture this guy standing on stage belting out those lyrics and you’ll laugh too.
I bought Casino Royale on DVD yesterday. Damn, that’s one fine film right there. Even if you’ve hated all the previous Bond films, this one is worth watching, because it’s different than all other Bond films. It’s better than all other Bond films. There are folks out there that argue constantly on who has been the better Bond. Most say Connery, while others say Moore or Brosnan. There are even a few who like Dalton and Lazenby, but Craig would kick all their asses, rope their bodies together as a makeshift raft, and sail to Afghanistan to hunt down Osama with his bare hands. What I’m trying to say is, go watch Casino Royale. You won’t be disappointed.
Yes, I am indeed aware that Afghanistan is a landlocked country, but I was on a roll there, what else was I to do?
Another side note: Did you know that Afghanistan translates to: Land of Afghans? Well, it does. Real clever name they got isn’t it? I wonder how many other ideas they threw away before they decided on that gem. I guess the United States isn’t all that clever either.
“Well Bill, this is a bunch of separate states united together to form a union, what should we call it? I’d like the name to convey that this country is both united yet formed of individual states.”
“Uh, I was thinking: United States.”
“Hmmm. I like it Bill. I like it a lot. Let’s go with it. Now, what should we call this State here that’s sitting directly south of North Carolina? That sonofabitch has me stumped.”
I’ll end this blog with speak of Hollywood sequels and remakes.
First, I heard that Cabin Fever 2 is either filming now or will film soon. I know I say a lot of movies are bad, but Cabin Fever was truly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Any actor with a shred of self-respect wouldn’t be in a crap sequel like this.
The Hills Have Eyes 2 is coming out very soon. I’m guessing that, if the hills indeed had eyes, they would gouge them out before watching this film.
Do any of you remember the 1978 horror/comedy film called Piranha? Or, perhaps you’ve seen 1981’s Piranha 2: The Spawning, directed by none other than James Cameron. Well, Dimension Films, the bright folks they are, have decided to re-make Piranha. It will be directed by the French filmmaker Alexandre Aja, who last directed The Hills Have Eyes. Do you see how the circle of filth comes back around? Aja says he wants to pay homage to all the "creature films that made me fall in love with the genre." Usually when someone says they want to pay homage, it usually just means they’re going to rip off every idea they can and then whenever someone calls them on it, they say it isn’t a rip-off, but a “homage.”
The last re-make I’ll mention is one I’m actually looking forward to. New Line Cinema has won the rights to Escape from New York. Gerald Butler will play Snake Plissken this time around. The original Escape from New York was actually a pretty shitty film. The sequel, Escape from L.A. was even shittier. I always liked the premise of the films though, and to see Escape from New York done well could really be pretty damn sweet.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
What did you say? I can't hear you!
Take a classmate of mine who can't hear very well. No John, I'm not talking about you. This woman, who'll I'll call Tina because that's her name, is quite hard of hearing, and she's the type who makes sure everyone knows it, and she makes sure to let us all know what we have to do to accomodate her.
I'm in a small group with her and we met after class the other night. One would think that if you've lived over 30 years with this disability, like Tina has, you would try to make things easier on yourself. Our small group all sat on chairs, while Tina decided to sit on the floor. She decided to look at her computer and take notes all the while we were meeting.
Then, she gets pissed off because we aren't talking "at" her. The fact is, if she isn't looking at us when we talk, she can't hear us well. She chose to sit on the floor, below eye level, and stare at her computer. She gets pissed at us because we aren't "accomodating" her? What are we supposed to do, tap her on the goddamn shoulder before we start each and every sentence to make sure she's looking at us? It's true that people without disabilites often don't make the necessary accomodations for disabled people, but when the disabled person places all the blame for their misunderstanding on me, it really annoys the hell out of me.
Yes, you're disabled. Yes, God took a big shit on your life. I get it.
Like I said, I don't hate people who are different than me. My friend John is both hard of hearing and terribly short. A double whammy if you ask me. Do I hear him bitching? Do I hear him telling everyone about it? Hell no. My pal Shane is a dibetic who needs to take insulin shots at least twice a day. Yes, it's an inconvenience, but he doesn't bring it up to every chap he meets. I went to high school with a gal confined to a wheelchair. Did I hate her? No. Did she bitch and moan about her condition? Actually, she did quite a lot, but she never made anyone else feel guilty about not performing to her expectations.
So there you have it. A rant about an asshole disabled person. I guess you can add this to my un-pc rant on the homeless. And yes, I know that "disabled" isn't the right tern nowadays, but it sounds much better than: Unabled, Nonabled, Deficientlyabled, and Flawedabled.
On to other things. I saw the new Marvel Studios animated film The Invincible Iron Man. I've owned it for a few weeks but hadn't gotten around to watching it until last night. I wasn't expecting to be wowed since Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Avengers 2 were a tad dissapojting. Iron Man turned out to be pretty good. In fact, I would go so far as to say it turned out really good. The dialogue was much improved over the Avengers films. The animation was great as well. I was worried that the animation of Iron Man in action would look, well, clunky and unnatural. It looked exactly how I would expect a man in a giant metal suit to look. Cartoon Network played it tonight and didn't bother promoting it, so no one really knew it was on, myself included. It doesn't look like they're playing it again anytime soon, so rent it, or buy it, and enjoy it as I did.
Well, that's it for now I guess.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Ice and Poop
Ice. Ice was the cause of Samantha's car accident today. I am oficially both sick and tired of all this snow, ice, and bitter cold we've had here for over 2 months now. After today's mishap, if I ever see Jack Frost or Mother Nature, I'll kick them in the nuts. Mother Nature probably doesn't have nuts, but I'd do it anyway. Until today, Samantha has never had an accident. I've told her for years it was inevitable. I wasn't trying to jinx her, I was just stating a fact. I think everyone will be involved in some sort of car accident in their life.
I don't understand how she achieved the level of damage to her car that she did. Her car spun out and did a few 360's before smacking the curb. A curb huh? A curb probably wouldn't snap the front bumber in two and almost rip it from it's perch on the car frame. She tells me there was no other car involved, and I believe her, but something else had to be involved in this wreck. Maybe she didn't notice what it was while making the revolutions in terror, gripping the steering wheel in a vain attempt to locate traction that didn't exist, but something else was involved. It might have been a street sign, or a fence post, or a fire hydrant, I just don't know.
So it's going in to be looked at by our insurance company tomorrow. We have full coverage on it, so o matter what it costs to fix it, we just have to worry about our $500 deductable. $500 is a lot though, so I want to be pissed off, but I can't be. Accidents happen. I want to ask her why the hell she was going 30 to 35 mph on a possibly icy street, but truth be told, I would have been going the same speed. And, it was 5:30 A.M. so she didn't really even have a chance to see the skating rink she was plowing towards.
Now you want to hear about the poop don't you? Of course.
This will probably be a bit too much info, but we both know it won't stop you from reading. About 2 months ago I was stricken with the worst case of diarrhea I've ever had. I sat on the toilet so long, Sam told the post office to forward my mail there. I felt like I was going to die right there on the crapper. How god damn embarressing would that have been?
Let me move along to the point. Tonight while watching local news, I see that there has been a mass peanut butter recall because of a salmonella outbreak. The generic Wal-Mart peanut butter was listed as a source as was the Peter Pan brand. The product code of this tainted nut butter started with 2111. Well it appears that we have a jar of Wal-Mart peanut butter, and it seems to have a product code starting with 2111. Ninety percent of that jar of PB was empty. Sam doesn't eat a lot of peanut butter, so I probably consumed most of the tainted jar.
I had salmonella from fucking peanut butter. People die from salmonella and I got it from peanut butter? That doesn't seem right to me. I could understand it if I bit into a hunk of raw, warm trout, but peanut butter?
Apparently, I can send the PB lid into ConAgra foods in Omaha for a full refund. So I can spend 1 dollar to mail a PB lid in so I can get a whopping check for 2 dollars in return? Well that's just an awesomely generous move on the part of ConAgra. I get a dollar, and all I had to do to get it was sit on the pot for 20 hours straight shitting my guts out until I almost died.
Oh I'll send the PB lid back to you, you glorious bastards, along with a stool sample for you to analyze.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Every Homosexual Likes Broadway Show Tunes
I think the cafeteria that serves my place of employment has indeed crossed a line of poor taste. Every so often, they have “themed” meals where every item served matches the theme. They have a themed meal each year when the National Western Stock Show is in town. Tomorrow, they’re having a Black History themed meal. This is the menu:
Black History MENU
February 1, 2007
SOUPS: West African Peanut Soup*
Jr’s Chili Soup with Sausage
$4.45 LUNCH SPECIAL: Vegetable Jambalaya*© with Small Beverage
Ola’s Catfish with Creole Sauce and Hushpuppies
Jamaican Jerk Chicken
Marinated Steak with Red Beans and Rice
Sweet Potatoes
Creamy Corn
COLD PLATE: Cold Fried Chicken Platter
DESSERTS: Sweet Potato Pie
Georgia Apple Betty
African Soup? Sweet Potato Pie and Catfish? Mother fucking Hushpuppies? This is perhaps the most blatant stereotyping I’ve seen since I last stereotyped the entire Mexican people as being dirty, lazy bastards who can’t be bothered by the task of learning the English language. Why don’t we add some dishes to this menu like: Slave Stew, Watermelon Salad, Tarbaby Biscuits and Gravy, and Nigger No-Bake Chocolate Mousse Pie.
While I’m speaking about things in poor taste, I’ll speak about the weather here in Denver. This week will be the 7th consecutive week with snowfall, as well as the 7th consecutive week with temperatures dipping below the “Really Fucking Cold” mark. Right now it’s 2:55 P.M. here in Denver. This time of the day is when the daily high temperatures are normally reached. The temperature right now is 18 degrees, but it feels like 6 with the windchill and all that crap. The temperature in Juneau, Alaska right now is 34 degrees. Just for kicks, I wanted to see what the temp in Siberia is. They’re at 14 degrees right now. Sure, it’s colder right now in Siberia than here in Denver, but it’s also 5 A.M. in Siberia. They’ll at least have a balmy temp of 20 by 3 P.M.
If it gets any colder, Russia will start sending their exiles to Denver to die.
The television industry is going ahead with a Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie. They had to do it because the movie was actually good and it was somethig I enjoyed. I'll hope it doesn't suck, but I'm not holding my breath. Take a look here if your bitch-ass doesn't believe me. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/tvnews.php?id=18670
I ran across this news story today about the State of Minnesota temporarilly banning high school wrestling because of a herpes outbreak that wrestlers are highly succeptable to. The actual name is Herpes Gladiatorum. How freakin' awesome is that?! A virus that, due to it's transmission method, targets athletes. I prayed for this 10 years ago, and although he's a bit late on the execution, God's response is appreciated nonetheless. http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/conditions/01/31/herpes.wrestlers.reut/index.html
DVDs came out yesterday. These are the titles of note:
Flyboys (Widescreen) – This one flew threw the theatres and successfully bombed.
The Marine (Unrated Edition) – I like action movies, but even I looked at the trailer for this one and judged it to be a pile of filth. I dare you to watch the trailer and find one more spot where another needless explosion could be added.
Open Season (Special Edition, Widescreen) – I’ll watch this one if given the chance.
The Passion of The Christ: Definitive Edition – Definitive eh? Usually I’m a sucker for words like that, but ol’ SugarTits Mel ain’t gonna trick me this time.
The Silence of the Lambs (Collector's Edition) – If you don’t already own this film, then it’s obvious you’re a poor decision maker. Go buy it already. This way, you’ll have fond memories of Hannibal Lector instead of the bitter hatred that the film Hannibal Rising will cause.
That's it.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Morons I dare say!!
The 1st bit of stupidity is E-Bay related:
If you aren’t legally blind, then take a look at these 2 pictures. The 1st one is from the listing of an item I won an Ebay. The 2nd picture represents the figure I actually received.

When I contacted the seller about the issue, this was the response I got:
"I'm very sorry. I thought I was shipping the exact item as the picture. My mistake. "
Yes, it is your mistake. It’s your mistake that you’re an idiot who can’t be bothered with the mundane task of verifying the item you’re selling. Yes, they’re the same character, but as anyone with an I.Q. over 6 can see, they’re quite different color-wise.
The 2nd bit of stupidity is significant other related:
I’ve said before that I generally don’t disparage my future wife. That being said, I have to rant about today’s bit of stupidity that flowed forth from her.
She wants a new computer, specifically a kick-ass gaming laptop. Fine, I can get behind that. The last computer bought was for me so if she wants one now, I can justify the purchase.
What I can’t justify is a needless expense. She wants an Alienware computer. Maybe she wants it because she can get it in a pretty metallic blue color. Maybe she wants it because she likes the name. Frankly, I don’t give a shit why. If she builds this computer the way she wants, it totals up to around $2800. That isn’t going to happen. I’ve looked into the matter, and discovered that we can have Dell, Toshiba, Gateway, or HP build one with more than Alienware’s $2800 version for around $2200.
This better version by any other company would have a faster processor, more RAM, a better graphics card, a bigger hard drive, more software, and a better warranty than Alinware’s version for $600 less. When I told Samantha about this, she got all uppity and said:
“More isn’t always better.”
Honestly, isn’t that about the dumbest and most illogical comment one could say on this issue? Had I not heard this utterly ridiculous comment while in a crowded cafeteria, I think I would have responded with a phrase containing the words: “What the fuck,” and “Have you lost your fucking mind?” The point of a kick-ass gaming computer is to have the one with the best hardware available. I’ll be using this new computer for games too, and I’ll be damned if I’m paying $600 more than I have to for a machine I’ll have to upgrade sooner.
I need to go home and cry now.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Today started off with a phone call from my mother regarding my father almost killing himself. Apparently, he was trying to light to pilot light on their ancient furnace. Due to a faulty safety valve, he succeeded in lighting himself. he now has first degree burns on part of his arms and is missing more of his hair in addition to what poor genetics has already taken. I think it's time to give my father an honorary codename, much as an X-Man or G.I. Joe soldier would have. If you have any suggestions, do let me know. As far as my own ideas go, I've narrowed the choices down to four:
Let me know which you prefer.
There is a certain type of person who feels liek everything they have to say is of importance. Everyone else is naturally supposed to listen and find value in what they have to say. These people will interrupt other people to make sure that everyone know what point is being made. These people will say the first thing that pops into their head no matter how inane, pointless, and obvious it is. These people may be intelligent, or they may be dumber than a sackful of hammers. A fellow calssmate of mine is one of these people. I can't tell if he's smart or stupid. I can't tell what his likes and dislikes are. I can't tell if he's a Republican, Democrat, or Fascist. All I know is that I just want him to shut the fuck up. I can't be the only person who clenches my fist in frustration every time he opens his piehole. My asthma aside, I wish I smoked so I could put a lit cigarrete out on this prick's forehead.
Well, I hate to cut and run, but it's difficult to type here, browse EBay, and pretend to listen to the instructor all at once. Something has to go and it's you.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Tickets Please!
RMFR = Run Mother Fucker, Run! I’ll do everything in my power to avoid a film with this rating.
FIIK = Fuck If I Know. This means I’m undecided.
AM = Andy’s Mom. This means I’ll see it, but there could be better films.
SY = Shit Yeah! A film I will definitely see.
Hannibal Rising – The previous Lecter films all have their charm, but that may be due the presence of Anthony Hopkins as the civilized psychopath. This film is about a young Lecter, hence no Hopkins. It doesn’t look all that interesting, but maybe as I see more, I’ll form a different opinion. FIIK
Ghost Rider – Another Marvel comic book movie. That certainly isn’t a bad thing. This is directed by the guy who directed Daredevil. Daredevil was surprisingly dark, as Ghost Rider needs to be. I have high hopes for this film. SY
Black Snake Moan – Everything I’ve heard of this film says that it’s great. I’ve heard these things about films that turned out to suck ballsack. It looks good, but it isn’t a priority. AM
The Hills Have Eyes 2 – Finally a horror film where teenagers are relentlessly stalked and brutally murdered by a, or a few, freakish killers. That was sarcasm. RMFR
Zodiac – Based off the true story of the Zodiac killer. It’s directed by Fincher, so that’s a plus, but I’m not big on these psychological killer flicks. FIIK
300 – Stylistically this movie is supposed to be fuckin’ amazing. They said that about Sin City too, and they were right, but the movie lacked in a lot of other ways. I’ve heard early reports that 300 is also lacking in the aspects that make a good movie great. AM
TMNT – That means Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for you ignorant fucks. The CG animation looks gorgeous and the dialogue I’ve heard so far seems pretty solid. SY
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters – Sure, the TV show can be extremely hilarious, but will this 22 minute show transfer into a 90 minute film well? I’ve heard that it doesn’t despite having Bruce Campbell voice a chicken nugget. FIIK
Are We Done Yet? – The sequel to the Ice Cube family film Are We There Yet? If you mean nausea, then yes, I am already there. RMFR
Grindhouse – Being a joint film between Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodrigeuz, a lot of rabid fanboys are going apeshit for this over-the-top kill fest. The trailer reminds me of Sin City and that’s a negative, although Kurt Russell stars in the Tarantino half of the film, and I do like Kurt Russell. FIIK
Hot Fuzz – A comedy from the makers of Shaun of the Dead about law enforcement in England. I think it’s funny that the English authorities believe they actually have any authority. AM
Pathfinder – What happens when Vikings and Native Americans meet? The answer is a lot of gore and sweet-ass fight scenes. Although not even close to historically accurate, this film looks like it has potential to entertain the shit out of me. AM
Spider-Man 3 – Anyone who isn’t looking forward to this movie reeks of poopie. That’s right, I said it, poopie. SY
28 Weeks Later – Because a good movie has to have a sequel. Honestly, I don’t know if 28 Days Later was good. I never watched it. FIIK
Shrek the Third – Although I have never been a huge fan of the 1st two, I admit they are quite funny. This will make an assload of money whether I see it or not. AM
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End – This franchise has been the biggest moviegoing surprise I’ve had in years. I thought the 1st one who be a childish and clichéd film. I was horribly wrong, and I’m glad I was since the sequel was just as good. This is in the top 5 films I must see this year. SY
Hostel: Part II – I have nothing good to say about this film. RMFR
Ocean's 13 – Based of installments 11 and 12, this one is a must see. SY
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer – Critics have bashed the hell out of the 1st film, and sure, it has some problems; however, the trailer for this film makes it look freakin’ awesome. SY
Evan Almighty – Despite being a Jim Carey film, I liked Bruce Almighty. I don’t think I’ll like this one near as much. FIIK
Live Free or Die Hard – Finally another Die Hard film! I love the Die Hard franchise so far. Len Weismann is directing this one, which gives me cause for concern. He’s the hack who directed both Underworld films. I’ll go to see it with reservations, but I’ll see it nonetheless. SY
Ratatouille – This year’s entry by Disney and Pixar centers around a rat who likes really good food. It looks like a better premise than Cars, which I haven’t seen despite being a Pixar fan. FIIK
Transformers – I don’t care what the bitchy-ass fanboys say about this film. This film looks like a spectacular robots, carnage, shit blowing up, over-the-top, mega-blockbuster of a film by Michael Bay. Bay does this kind of film a lot with mixed results, but in this case, I think it’s exactly the kind of movie needed to bring the Transformers to the big screen. SY
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – So far I’ve enjoyed all the other films in this series. I haven’t read any of the books, and I won’t because I want to be surprised when I see this in theatres. SY
The Simpsons Movie – I’d say that over 15 successful years on television is reason enough for this movie. SY
The Bourne Ultimatum – I really really liked the 1st 2 films, but since I haven’t yet seen any promotional materials for this yet, I’m not quite as stoked as I should be. AM
Rush Hour 3 – Parts 1 and 2 were funny, but I’m note sure if a 3rd part is needed. If anyone can do it well though, it’s Brett Ratner. FIIK
Halloween – This movie is just now being cast, but I’ve heard enough to know that it will most like be a piece of shit. There are some things that don’t need to be re-made, and Michael Myers is one of those things. RMFR
Resident Evil: Extinction – Both other Resident Evil flicks were kind of shitty, but I found myself more entertained than I should have been with them. I’m not saying this movie will be good, but part of me still wants to see it. AM
Bean II – I believe that Rowan Atkinson is a funny man, but chances are I won’t spend my cash to see it in theatres. FIIK
30 Days of Night – The graphic novel this is based on was actually frightening in a way most horror-based graphic novels can’t achieve. I’m not a huge fan of vampire films, but I’d like to see how well this gets translated. AM
Saw IV – Enough already. Just enough. Yes, these films make a great deal of money, but money shouldn’t be the reason behind pointless sequel after pointless sequel. Uwe Boll makes horrible sequels like Bloodrayne II, but he makes them because he wants to make them, not because it will make him a wealthy man.
Beowulf – Any fan of the original work would love to see a film that’s as close to the epic source material as possible. I’ve heard this film is just that. This could very well be a great film, but only time will tell. AM
I Am Legend – This is based upon the book I Am Legend. Clever huh? This has been adapted previously into film, most notably The Omega Man starring Charlton Heston. This adaptation will star Will Smith. I’ve always liked post-apocalyptic movies. AM
Alien vs. Predator 2 – I’m a big enough fan of the Alien and Predator fanchises that I’d like to be praising this film. I’d like to, but I can’t. Maybe it will be good, but most likely it will fail miserably. FIIK (and that’s being generous)
National Treasure: The Book of Secrets – The 1st film was another surprise film from Disney. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m hoping the sequel is as fun as its predecessor. SY
The following films do not yet have release dates. Their release in 2007 is certainly in question for a few of these.
Sunshine – This looks to be a dark and depressing sci-fi from the director of 28 Days Later. AM
Sin City 2 – This truly is an unneeded sequel. Some may be eagerly anticipating this, but I’m not. FIIK (Generosity yet again)
Spy-Hunter – A film based upon a video game. This genre hasn’t fared so well in the past, but I’m actually looking forward to this. The game Spy-Hunter really has no plot, so even if the film has no plot, who gives a shit? It’s just about a spy in a kick-ass car that drives around and blows shit up. Although I don’t know how good of a spy you can be when you drive around in a chromed car that turns into a speedboat. That’s a tad conspicuous. This Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson which gives me a little bit of hope since I actually enjoyed him in the movie Doom. AM
Day of the Dead – I liked the Dawn of the Dead re-make. I may like this remake as well, but honestly, I usually hate zombie films. FIIK
Highlander: The Source – As a nerd, I should say that I love Highlander. I like Highlander, and that’s about it. FIIK
The Punisher 2 – I would be a liar if I said I didn’t like the 1st one. I shouldn’t like it, because it honestly wasn’t all that good, but I’m definitely glad the sequel has a greenlight. SY
That’s it for now. I know I probably misspelled some actor or director names, which I really can’t stand doing, but I’m too lazy to look every name up on the IMDB right now. Live with it.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Blogs and Nerdery
I’m not upset by this in the least. Rest assured, I’m not planning any of your deaths, at least not for this reason. I just enjoy hearing what my friends have to say. At the very least, you’re all mildly entertaining. Some people sit around and spend hours reading MySpace pages of random people. How is that rewarding? Honestly, I don’t give a shit about what some guy in Portland thinks about his wife’s Cheesy Bacon Casserole.
Enough of that. At least we’re not part of MySpace. Only tools have MySpace pages, unless you’re the one friend of mine who does have a MySpace page, in which case I say, I didn’t know you read my blog.
Shane and I have started buying the new World of Warcraft trading card game a few weeks ago. I used to mock people who went crazy over the Magic cards, and I still do as a matter of fact. Shane and I payed a few games, and it can be entertaining once you get the hang of it, but there are certain things I don’t think I can do in good conscience. For example, having a 30-sided dice, or is it die, can really help the game go smoother. I don’t think I can buy a 30-sided dice. Buying a multi-sided dice will push me to a new level of Nerd that I don’t want to enter. If I cross that line, I’ll find myself buying D&D books, Warhammer miniatures, and attending game cons looking for the rare Blue Orc Magic card #245 of 450 to complete my set, or some item like that, all while dressed an a ENT from Lord of the Rings. That shit isn’t going to happen. I can bring myself to buy a few cards, and I can even bring myself to play a game or two on occasion, but there are certain things I just can not do. If anyone has a 30-sided dice you want to give me, that’s fine, but I ain’t buying one. Even just buying the cards is straddling the nerd line. When I bought a few packs at a GameStop last week, the clerk started rambling in depth about certain rare cards, night elves, and something called Onyxia. I had no fucking clue what he was talking about and I was damn near ready to jump over the counter and hurt him severely. I guess there are two types of nerds. The first type is the quiet nerd who would be happy if no one else knew he bought nerdish things. This nerd will not let his nerdish hobbies consume every aspect of his life. This is the type of nerd I am. The second type of nerd is the one who wants everyone to know that he has a level 70 white wizard with the Staff of Thartual. This nerd sees no problem with going to an anime convention dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl being attacked by a tentacle porn monster. This is the type of nerd who will die a virgin.
So you all know, the crack about a nerd going to a con dressed as a schoolgirl being attacked by a tentacle porn monster wasn’t just a clever joke. Sadly, I know someone who did that. Thankfully, it was a female who was dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl. This person invited me along to an anime convention. I said no as politely as possible, and I did it without bursting into laughter. I’m proud of myself. Of course, she won’t die a virgin because she is female, but a man in the same situation certainly will.
Well, I’m out of things to say. When I blog next, it will be about the upcoming movies that you should see, and those you should avoid, in the coming year.