Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fuck You Canada!

That's right, I said it. Whatcha' gonna do about it Canada? That's right, nothing you pasty-faced poutine suckin freaks!

My anger is redirected partially towards Canada today because their postal service works about as well as the Pony Express would have worked without horses. I ordered some figures from a place in Toronto called Legends I think. Their price for the figures I wanted was quite reasonable, even with shipping. I ordered these on 8/16, and Legends promptly got my items to Canada Post the same day. When I go to Canada Post to view the tracking status, this is the latest update I get:

Item accepted and entered into sortation plant

It's been in the sortation plant for 8 goddamned days?! It takes Canada Post 8 fuckin' days to look at a correctly addressed package and put it on a truck, train, or plane? UNNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!! How about you put your Molson down, turn the Hockey game off, get off your lazy asses, AND SHIP ME MY FUCKIN' TOYS!!!!

While I'm on the topic of toys being shipped to me, Fuck England too! A few posts ago, I ranted about the crippled sonofabitch who decided to screw me over a on a toy trade. Well, after I basically told the forums that he posts on that he is, in fact, a sonofabitch, he decides to trade with me after all. To refresh your memory, the toy I wanted was a MOC Absorbing Man from the Hulk Classics line. MOC means Mint On Card for your uneducated hacks. Now, Absorbing Man is one of those figures that's too expensive for me to afford to buy two, however, I do want one out of the package at some point. This handicapped fucker was sending me one in the package, which is worth a good $45. So, he sends me this figure, from England, AirMail. Oh, but here's the kicker: He sends it in a padded envelope. No, not a box that would protect it from the crushing methods used by international airmail, but a PADDED ENVELOPE. He was nice enough to write "Do Not Crush" and "Do Not Bend" and "Fragile" on the envelope. That doesn't help you stupid Jerk-Off. Those words don't "magically" stop other packages from shifting onto it during flight. Those words don't stop the sorting machines from tossing it around like a baby handled by a British nanny. Needless to say, the Absorbing Man was no longer "Mint On Card" when I got it. Sure, the figure was still in his crushed plactic bubble, but the bubble itself had completely detached itself from the card.

I'm sure glad I wanted one out of the package. It's not like I spent a shitload of money for the figure but I was expecting this one to be MOC. It's this man's idiocy that really pisses me off. You send a figure that's rare and highly sought after MOC in an envelope. As I said previously, he should be glad he's already in a wheelchair, otherwise I'd put him in one. He should also feel lucky that he traded with me and not someone else on the board as he was planning to do when he screwed me the first time, because anyome else would have expected this to be MOC and not accepted anything else, and then he really would have been fucked. I'll be sending him the figure he wants in trade in an envelope too. It works both ways assclown.

Alrighty then. I'm done bitching about shipping and am moving on to an pobservation I've made about a certain off-road vehicle. Some people say that you can tell a person by the car he or she drives. Well, I've discovered this is true with one type of vehicle in particular: The Nissan XTerra. I challenge you to be on the lookout for these vehicles and look at the drivers. My three observations on the XTerra are this:
1. Women primarily drive these vehicles.
2. The few men who drive XTerras are preppy tools.
3. Most of the women drivers, or passengers of the male drivers, are really fuckin' hot!
Go ahead and challenge this if you will, but I can almost garauntee that you'll observe the same results. If you see an XTerra, chances are there's a attractive woman behind the wheel. I've personally known several women who drive XTerras and they're all hot. Almost everytime I see an XTerra on the road, there's a hot chick driving it. Now, there are exceptions to this, naturally. The other day, I saw an old couple in an XTerra. However, they might have a really hot daughter. I saw a fat woman driving an XTerra once. She probably has a hot friend though. I believe in my observations and the trend so much that if I were looking through online personals for a hot date, and the woman says she drives an XTerra, I would set-up a date even if there was no pic of her posted. Like I said, keep an eye out and you'll see the trend too.

I'm bored with you. Go.

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