Of course a trip, even a minor one like this, has its problems. Money being the first one. Sure, I can afford it, but just barely. Also, some of my friends just don't understand how short of a trip this is. I'll be at my parent's house in Nebraska from about 4 P.M. on Saturday afternoon until 7 A.M. Sunday morning. Obviously, my parents want us to eat dinner there on Saturday night. Yet, my friend Brian wants us to drive 35 miles to where he lives so we can "hang out" with him. He just can't understand the facts. This isn't a week long trip. This is a 3 day trip with 19 hours of drive time. I'm glad Brian doesn't read this blog because then he'd know I think he's being a dumbass. Hey dumbass, how about you come visit me in Denver like you said you were going to do 2 years ago? I thought so.
Although I don't have to worry about Samantha on this vacation at all. Sure, she's my fiancee and I enjoy taking trips with her, but sometimes you just have a take a tiny break from the significant other. it doesn't mean you hate them, it just means you need some "me" time, or in this case, some "guy" time. In addition, I like driving. I find it soothing and calming. However, if it's too soothing and calming, I wind up dozing off and slamming into a bus full of children at 80 mph. Sure, I wouldn't mind that at all, but the law enforcement comminity frowns upon dead kids.
Samantha and I have been "looking into" getting a grill for our patio. By "looking into," I mean taking the time to set money aside to buy one. Our apartment complex only allows gas grills though and not charcoal ones. That's fine with me since I'm a damn lazy bastard. My grandfather bought a new gas grill last summer. Sure, it was a cheap one, but it does it's job. On Saturday, he just gave it to us, saying that he won't use it ever again. Grandfathers can be so nice at times. We used it twice this weekend to grill us up some hot dogs, or "dogs" as they're called in the hood. I sure do like meat.
Enough of my incessant ramblings. It's time to Shock and Awe you with my uncalled for bombing and invasion of the country known as DVD Releases.
- Annapolis (Widescreen) - Does anyone really care about this film?
- Blue Collar Comedy Tour - One for the Road (Widescreen Edition) - Once again, does anyone really care about this film, other than Alabama?
- Commander in Chief: The Inaugural Edition Part 1 - Apparently, people loved this show and thought it was really good television. Yet, it has been cancelled so it must have been lacking something.
- Failure to Launch (Special Collector's Edition - Widescreen) - I can promise you that this film will never pass before my precious eyes.
- Fear Factor: The First Season - Great, now I can relive all those memories of complete morons eating cow intestines and rat assholes.
- Find Me Guilty - This film looked mildly interesting. I just may rent it.
- Independence Day: 10th Anniversary Edition - Alright. I've had enough of this God Damn movie on DVD. This is at least the fifth time this movie has been released on DVD, I shit you not. So the Limited Edition or the 5 Star Edition wasn't enough? What really pissed me off was the new slipcover that was thrown on to the 2002 edition od ID4 to capitalize off of War of the Worlds. Take a look at 2 War of the Worlds DVD designs and then the ID4 slipcover and tell me it isn't cheap combination of the 2.
- Leroy & Stitch - Yep, another pointless Disney sequel.
- Ultraviolet (Unrated Extended Cut) - Maybe someday I'll be so bored that I'll rent this film to see how bad it really is, but that day won't be anytime soon.
That is it for the DVD releases for this week, and as you can already determine, it's best to just skip the DVD shelves altogether this week. But not the porno shelves. NEVER skip those.
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