Thursday, December 15, 2005

Toys of Justice

Its that time of the year when people make lists of toys and gifts. My list is actually very small but these are items that I just have to share.

1st off we have....Bobbleheads!! Bobbleheads are so cool because they're heads

Fun times always follow when you combine food and projectile weapons:

Now that this toy line is cancelled, I finally bought a few of them and absolutley love them. Or....
I've found a few stores with these marked down pretty cheap. If you find any and have a few extra dollars, I highly reccomend them. You can play some kind of game with these things too, but I'm not that much of a nerd.

This isn't so much of a toy as it is a freakin' sweet statue:
I'm actually going to get this because my mom and Samantha teamed-up to split the costs and make it my big Christmas gift. It's sold out now, so if you want one, tough shit. You have to admit, it is pretty.

Some G.I. Joe wall plaques that kick ass:

Let's talk about tasteless for a moment. Now, many of my pals know I can be tasteless, but this is just a little too heartless, even for me. I saw this in a store the other day and had to do a double-take:
For those of you not familier with the Dodo bird, read this:
Yeah, real good idea Hasbro. Let's make money off of an animal that's extinct because we clubbed them all to death, stepped on their eggs, and ate them. Now we can have Playdoy versions of them to play with, and cuddle with, and depending what kind of child you are, eat them as well. Isn't that just too cute? It's always good to justify man's horrific mistakes upon the world. Playsets coming next year from Paydoh: California Condor Cove, Baby Seal Clubfest, and Global Warming Fiesta.

  • In other news, today is my birthday. All of you bitches forgot didn't you?! That's acceptable since I can't remember anyone elses birthdays either. You may make charitable monetary donations in my name to me. I'm 26 now, which is creeping ever so closer to 30. Not that I care. I'll still be an immature geek no matter what age I am.
  • The Ghost Rider movie has been pushed back to February 2007. I'm a tad dissapointed because I was looking forward to seeing it this summer. However, this means that 2007 will see Ghost Rider in addition to Fantastic Four 2 and Spider-Man 3. And, that my friends, is what we call "Ginchy."
  • I found a toaster at Wal-Mart that has a little pan/tray built in that fried a single egg. Am I the only person who thinks this is one of the best inventions of 2005? Come on, toast and an egg all from one unit, that is a sweet machine indeed. In fact, here it is:
  • Everyone says King Kong is one of the best movies ever made, except this guy at AintItCoolNews: I haven't even seen the movie and I agree with him totally. To me, the movie looks like festering poo. Although, he also thinks V for Vendetta is one of the best movies ever and I'm not so sure he's right on that one.

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