Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Movies and Movie News.

O.K.....Take a look at this and tell me this isn't odd: A Fiat Panda?? What the fuck?! Being a Bond fan, I was quite dissapointed at the last 2 films and was quite sure they couldn't get any worse. They may have acheived just that. Yeah, I can see James Bond now, pulling up the the Casino Royale in Monte Carlo and tossing the keys to a Fiat Panda to the valet. Now that's real fucking sophistication right there. There's nothing like showing the Casino that you're a high roller by pulling up in an economy class Fiat. Screw the Ferraris and the Bentleys. Screw the Aston Martins and the BMWs. M5 must be going through budget cuts and can't afford to give Bond a gas guzzling vehicle. They better give this Fiat missle launchers or particle weapons or something equally as cool, otherwise there'll be hell to pay. Oh yes, hell to pay.

Apparently Sin City 2 is a go. Love Sin City or hate it, Sin City 2 just isn't necessary. Sure, the fans of the graphic novels want to see another movie, but that doesn't mean there's a reason for the movie to be made. People want to see another Sin City movie because they liked how "dark and gritty" the first movie was. Preacher is a good example of a "darker" graphic novel that should be made before SinCity 2 is made. There were rumors a year or two ago about a Preacher movie but I guess those plans were pushed aside. If the movie studios are reading this now, I've got a friend who could play the part of Arseface perfectly. Contact my people and we'll set up a time to discuss casting. We'll do lunch.

X-Men 3 has begun filming. Fuck Yeah! That's all I have to say on that.

Firefly fans rejoice, for Serenty is almost here. For those of you who haven't watched the failed Fox series Firefly, pick it up and enjoy. It is undeniably Joss Whedon's best television work. Since he did Buffy and Angel, it is probably his only good television project. You may ask, if the show failed, why is there a movie on the way? The answer is simple: Fox is a whore. Fox cancelled both Family Guy and Firefly, but once DVD sales proved they were popular, Fox decided to pick them both up in one form or another. Next time Fox, don't cancel the popular shows in the first place.

The Cave. Have you seen the trailer for this movie yet? The main star is Cole Hauser, who if you remember, played Johns in the movie Pitch Black. The Cave is about a small group of people who become trapped in a dark cave with a creature or creatures who start killing and/or eating the aforementioned small group of people. Because it is dark is this said cave, the small group relies on precious light to navigate and survive. Does this movie perhaps sound like a similar plot to a movie Cole Hauser has already been in? Perhaps one I just mentioned? Hey Cole, you're never going to be taken as a serious actor if you keep doing the same damn thing. Hey Hollywood screenwriters, at least make an attempt to fool us stupid moviegoers into thinking you actually have new ideas once in a while.

Stealth. How did they manage to get Jamie Foxx in this wretched piece of crap? It's not like he needs to do this movie to further his career, with an Academy Award and all.

And finally, Walk the Line, a movie about the life and times of Johnny Cash. Hopefully the success of Ray doesn't open up Hollywood to making a films based on every performer's life, but being a Johhny Cash fan, I'm looking forward to this film. But like I said, I hope it stops here. Movies on Ray and Cash, fine. Movies on Falco and MC Hammer, not fine.

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