I don't want to review new films on this blog, so I'm going to start highlighting a film each week that you should watch again. Yes, you've probably seen the film before, but I'm telling you that you should watch it again.
This week, the film is Dark City. I'm not even going to tell you anything about the plot, because you've already seen it, or you haven't, in which case, it's fun going into this knowing nothing about it.
Dark City
The version I've linked to on Amazon is the Director's Cut which was just released yesterday. So, technically, you haven't seen this version before, but you get the idea. I did buy this DVD yesterday at Wal-Mart, after an infuriating experience with Best Buy. I would rather buy DVDs at Best Buy, but apparently they don't want my business. I watched it last night because I just had to see what was different about the Director's Cut.
It turns out that there isn't a whole lot different about the Director's Cut, which I like. Since I love the original, I would be pained to see the additional footage actually hurt the end product. That happens with some extended cuts of films. In this case, the extra footage wasn't really whole blocks of scenes, but extended cuts of existing scenes. The box says that about 12 minutes of footage was added, but it was added so seamlessly that I couldn't remember, in some cases, whether it was a new bit or not.
Speaking of the director, Alex Proyas, he's the man who directed the first, and only good, Crow film. he also directed I, Robot. Not a spectacular film there, but not horrible either. Proyas is one of these directors that puts a lot of emphasis on making the film visually unique. The Crow had a distinct look and feel to it, and Dark City is no exception. Even though I've watched this film at least 6 times, I'm still stunned by its look. Even before the dialogue starts, you know you're in for a treat.
I should mention the actors as well. Rufus Sewell plays the main character John Murdoch. Rufus Sewell hasn't had a lot of starring roles in his career, which is sad, because he's great here. I can only think of one other film he's been in without looking at IMDB, and that was Bless the Child. Although that film was lackluster, he was an outstanding villian. Just an evil, twisted fuck. Jennifer Connelly plays John's love interest. She's not only an amazing actor, but she's amazingly beautiful as well. The Incredible Hulk was better than Ang Lee's Hulk, but Liv Tyler has nothing on Jennifer Connelly. Jennifer Connelly s a better actor, she's better looking, and the chemistry between her and Eric Bana far surpassed what Tyler and Norton had. I'm still cheesed off about that casting decision.
Kiefer Sutherland is in the film as the doctor trying to push Murdoch towards the truth, while at the same time trying to cover his own ass. Sutherland's role is a creepy one, with how he speaks, and shuffles around like a paranoid hobo. He's also got my favorite line in the movie. William Hurt is in the movie too. Seriously, when is he not good?
If you've seen this film before, then watch it again. If you haven't yet gotten the chance to see it, then see it! Next week I'll pick a different film.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
I've said it before, but it feels really good not to give a shit.
I have a week left at this current job. I'm not going to slack off, but I have a bit more freedom than I had before. Just this morning, for instance, I'm refreshing a Hasbro Toy Shop page every 20 seconds waiting for them to make some G.I. Joes available that will sell out within 5 minutes. If I miss this chance, there is NO way I'll get these figures at a reasonable price later. My boss walks up to me at the exact moment they become available. This is how the conversation went:
BOSS: "We should meet now and go over a few projects."
ME: "It's going to have to wait a few minutes."
BOSS: "Are you busy with something else?"
ME: "Just placing a very important online order. It'll take a few minutes before I get my confirmation. We can meet then."
It felt so god damn good to be able to brush aside the boss like that. I may not have done that if I was planning on keeping this job.
It turned out to be more like 45 minutes, since Hasbro's site couldn't handle the traffic and turned into a giant clusterfuck of page load errors and "Your order can not be completed, please try again later" messages. I did manage to get my order placed, but a large numbers of others never got the chance. Hasbro KNEW this was going to happen, and yet they couldn't make sure their site was up to the challenge. 40 years ago, humanity sent men to the moon in what was, by today's standards, a garbage can on top of 3,000 tons of high-explosives. Today, we can't figure out how to keep a server operation more than 10 minutes? Give me a fuckin' break.
I was going to go see the new X-Files film this last weekend, but I've heard that it's not worth it. I'm not saying that the series was always top notch, but it at least frequently freaked me out. The movie doesn't even do that well apparently. This means I can put that money towards Tropic Thunder next month, or Star Wars. but personally, I think Star Wars is going to suck. Face it fanboys, George Lucas is a tired old man who ran out of good ideas years ago, and good directing skills long before that. Yeah, Lucas isn't directing The Clone Wars, but you know he had his twisted cock of influence so far up the director's ass that he may as well be directing it.
While we're on the Star Wars topic, you should all be very proud of me for restraining myself. I could have bought the new Millennium Falcon playset a few days ago. I could have spent $150 plus tax doing so. Yet, I didn't. Maybe with my new job I'll have the money, but logic and reasoning prevailed for the time being. Gods it is a beautiful thing though. 2 1/2 feet across, with lights, sounds, automatic opening hatches, and a cockpit that can actually fit 4 figures. Take a look at these 2 pics. The first is a shot of the new Falcon next to the previous Falcon. The 2nd just shows you all the inside space. It just reminds me of the huge playsets we kids used to have, like the Flagg and the Defiant. Plus, I never had a Falcon before.

That's it, I'm out.
BOSS: "We should meet now and go over a few projects."
ME: "It's going to have to wait a few minutes."
BOSS: "Are you busy with something else?"
ME: "Just placing a very important online order. It'll take a few minutes before I get my confirmation. We can meet then."
It felt so god damn good to be able to brush aside the boss like that. I may not have done that if I was planning on keeping this job.
It turned out to be more like 45 minutes, since Hasbro's site couldn't handle the traffic and turned into a giant clusterfuck of page load errors and "Your order can not be completed, please try again later" messages. I did manage to get my order placed, but a large numbers of others never got the chance. Hasbro KNEW this was going to happen, and yet they couldn't make sure their site was up to the challenge. 40 years ago, humanity sent men to the moon in what was, by today's standards, a garbage can on top of 3,000 tons of high-explosives. Today, we can't figure out how to keep a server operation more than 10 minutes? Give me a fuckin' break.
I was going to go see the new X-Files film this last weekend, but I've heard that it's not worth it. I'm not saying that the series was always top notch, but it at least frequently freaked me out. The movie doesn't even do that well apparently. This means I can put that money towards Tropic Thunder next month, or Star Wars. but personally, I think Star Wars is going to suck. Face it fanboys, George Lucas is a tired old man who ran out of good ideas years ago, and good directing skills long before that. Yeah, Lucas isn't directing The Clone Wars, but you know he had his twisted cock of influence so far up the director's ass that he may as well be directing it.
While we're on the Star Wars topic, you should all be very proud of me for restraining myself. I could have bought the new Millennium Falcon playset a few days ago. I could have spent $150 plus tax doing so. Yet, I didn't. Maybe with my new job I'll have the money, but logic and reasoning prevailed for the time being. Gods it is a beautiful thing though. 2 1/2 feet across, with lights, sounds, automatic opening hatches, and a cockpit that can actually fit 4 figures. Take a look at these 2 pics. The first is a shot of the new Falcon next to the previous Falcon. The 2nd just shows you all the inside space. It just reminds me of the huge playsets we kids used to have, like the Flagg and the Defiant. Plus, I never had a Falcon before.

That's it, I'm out.
Monday, July 21, 2008
You were all WRONG!!
Pretty much everyone told me that even though Sam and I have been together over 7 years, it would "feel different" being married. It doesn't. My ring finger feels different, because it has a ring on it now. That's really the only difference I sense.
I guess I may feel different had our life before the wedding been short. Our engagement alone was almost 2 years long, which is almost 2 years longer than Brian knew his wife before they got married. I'll take this opportunity to once again state what a fucking idiot Brian can be.
The wedding itself was damn-near perfect. I anticipated a problem or two, but the only problems were minor ones. People kept asking if I was nervous. Once again, after 7 years, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I was going to get overwhelmed and run out of the chapel screaming and crying. The ONLY time I was a bit overwhelmed during the whole weekend was the Thursday before the wedding while I was visiting Sam's parents' hotel room. A bunch of other family members and friends were also there, and it just hit me that all of these people are here for Sam and I. All of these folks took time off from work and spent a crap-ton of money on gas or plane tickets to see us. All of these people are here together in the same room after all these years simply because of us.
I'm back at work now. I'd rather not be here. After almost 2 weeks off, going back to a job really sucks. Also, I'd rather just get this job over with and move to my new one, so that makes being here even tougher, knowing that it's really just wasting time while my boss finds a replacement.
I've nothing else to say. I think I'm going to go eat my bologna sandwich now.
I guess I may feel different had our life before the wedding been short. Our engagement alone was almost 2 years long, which is almost 2 years longer than Brian knew his wife before they got married. I'll take this opportunity to once again state what a fucking idiot Brian can be.
The wedding itself was damn-near perfect. I anticipated a problem or two, but the only problems were minor ones. People kept asking if I was nervous. Once again, after 7 years, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I was going to get overwhelmed and run out of the chapel screaming and crying. The ONLY time I was a bit overwhelmed during the whole weekend was the Thursday before the wedding while I was visiting Sam's parents' hotel room. A bunch of other family members and friends were also there, and it just hit me that all of these people are here for Sam and I. All of these folks took time off from work and spent a crap-ton of money on gas or plane tickets to see us. All of these people are here together in the same room after all these years simply because of us.
I'm back at work now. I'd rather not be here. After almost 2 weeks off, going back to a job really sucks. Also, I'd rather just get this job over with and move to my new one, so that makes being here even tougher, knowing that it's really just wasting time while my boss finds a replacement.
I've nothing else to say. I think I'm going to go eat my bologna sandwich now.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
I'm getting married in 4 days. I seriously had a hard time deciding who I was going to ask to be in my wedding party. I chose Cody, Brian, and Gerry. I was also considering: John, Shane, Andy, Travis, and Joey. All good friends. All of whom I respect and care for. I chose these three folks out of all the choices because I've known them the longest, because I want them there the most. Because I wanted them to know that they matter.
I asked these folks close to two years ago to be in my wedding. This afternoon, Brian told me that he may not have the money to make it here. I've known Brian for over 10 years. I consider him one of my best friends. I guess the feeling isn't mutual. Sure, he says that I'm one of his best friends, but when it comes down to the wire, actions speak louder than words.
He had two years to save up gas money and food money. That's all he needed. I would have given him a place to sleep. Instead of planning, he waits until the very last minute to sell a car for quick cash. Well, it seems the other guy doesn't want to buy the shitty car. Brian wants $1500 for the car. The guy offered him $1000. Brian turned it down. So instead of taking a small hit, and being able to attend my wedding, he chooses not to sell it and guarantees that he can't make it. Thanks a lot jerk.
Now, I have to ask John to be a groomsman 4 days before the wedding. I have to ask him to buy a suit at the last minute. John doesn't have a lot of money either. He had to do extra handy-man type jobs in order to pay for gas. His wife is expecting another child anyday now. It's not fair to put this upon him, but I have to because Brian decided to screw me.
I would do EVERYTHING in my power to attend if I were in his position. I have been in his position and I did make it, because friendship calls for sacrifices.
People told me that I shouldn't ask Brian. That he's unreliable. But I asked anyway, because I wanted him there. Because I trusted that he's do this for his friend. I stuck up for him and told everyone, "You'll see, he'll make it." I was wrong, and they were all right. That's what I get for trusting in a friend who doesn't bother putting any effort into his relationships. I won't make that mistake again.
I asked these folks close to two years ago to be in my wedding. This afternoon, Brian told me that he may not have the money to make it here. I've known Brian for over 10 years. I consider him one of my best friends. I guess the feeling isn't mutual. Sure, he says that I'm one of his best friends, but when it comes down to the wire, actions speak louder than words.
He had two years to save up gas money and food money. That's all he needed. I would have given him a place to sleep. Instead of planning, he waits until the very last minute to sell a car for quick cash. Well, it seems the other guy doesn't want to buy the shitty car. Brian wants $1500 for the car. The guy offered him $1000. Brian turned it down. So instead of taking a small hit, and being able to attend my wedding, he chooses not to sell it and guarantees that he can't make it. Thanks a lot jerk.
Now, I have to ask John to be a groomsman 4 days before the wedding. I have to ask him to buy a suit at the last minute. John doesn't have a lot of money either. He had to do extra handy-man type jobs in order to pay for gas. His wife is expecting another child anyday now. It's not fair to put this upon him, but I have to because Brian decided to screw me.
I would do EVERYTHING in my power to attend if I were in his position. I have been in his position and I did make it, because friendship calls for sacrifices.
People told me that I shouldn't ask Brian. That he's unreliable. But I asked anyway, because I wanted him there. Because I trusted that he's do this for his friend. I stuck up for him and told everyone, "You'll see, he'll make it." I was wrong, and they were all right. That's what I get for trusting in a friend who doesn't bother putting any effort into his relationships. I won't make that mistake again.
Monday, July 07, 2008
People sending me emails better make the subject lines a bit clearer. I got one yesterday that I deleted. The subject line was: Welcome Aboard! The sender is Hank Long.
Hank Long. Seriously, I just assumed it was spam instead of an email from my future boss welcoming me to my new job. At least his first name isn't Richard, because that would be unfortunate.
Hank Long. Seriously, I just assumed it was spam instead of an email from my future boss welcoming me to my new job. At least his first name isn't Richard, because that would be unfortunate.
I better get good wedding gifts from these assholes
So we sent out wedding invitations quite a while ago, with specific instructions to RSVP by a certain date, so that we could make sure we get enough tickets. In the last 4 days, I've had 4 people tell me: "Oh, did I forget to RSVP? I'm planning on coming, so I'll need tickets"
Yes, you forgot to RSVP you ignorant fucks. We're paying for the goddamn tickets, and we even paid for the goddamn stamp for them to send our RSVP back, FREE OF CHARGE. They could have sent it back anytime in the last 60 days, instead, they wait until 6 days before the wedding to verbally tell me.
So who has to call the woman taking care of our wedding and see if she can rush us a few more tickets? That's right, me. Not them. Not the fuckers who so badly want to come to our wedding, but are too mother fucking busy to be bothered to tell us in advance.
I'll remember these clowns when it comes time to open gifts. No one else technically has to give us gifts, but these four assholes better pay up, and pay up good.
Yes, you forgot to RSVP you ignorant fucks. We're paying for the goddamn tickets, and we even paid for the goddamn stamp for them to send our RSVP back, FREE OF CHARGE. They could have sent it back anytime in the last 60 days, instead, they wait until 6 days before the wedding to verbally tell me.
So who has to call the woman taking care of our wedding and see if she can rush us a few more tickets? That's right, me. Not them. Not the fuckers who so badly want to come to our wedding, but are too mother fucking busy to be bothered to tell us in advance.
I'll remember these clowns when it comes time to open gifts. No one else technically has to give us gifts, but these four assholes better pay up, and pay up good.
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